As the winter approaches, it’s time to protect yourself and your loved ones from the brutal cold of the weather.
Whether you prefer staying indoors and enjoying the feeling of coziness or being outside doing some ice skating and testing your skating skills, it is important to take the necessary precautions that will keep you safe.
Winter is just as deadly as it is beautiful. If you’re not careful, you could end up with frostbite or worse. Here’s how to stay protected in the cold weather.
Insulate Properly
Start by identifying all air leaks and draft sources in the home. Then, seal them to prevent the cold aid from coming into the house, and the warm air from escaping. Check your window sills for broken caulk and apply more caulk to seal off the holes.
If you’re using single or double pane windows, consider switching to triple-pane windows. They are more effective at keeping the house warm and energy-efficient. The same applies to your doorways. If you live in a single-family home, you need to protect your pipes from freezing in the winter.
The best way to do this is by properly insulating the pipes. This way, you can still have running water in the home. Also, leave the faucets to drip in the winter. This will prevent them from freezing up completely.
Ensure There’s a Family Emergency Plan
Health emergencies can and do happen during the winter. However, unlike other seasons where you may be able to get emergency care almost immediately, snowstorms and blizzards can make it almost impossible for the first responders to get to you on time.
This is why you should ensure that there’s an emergency plan in place. Have first aid kits in the home and the contact of a virtual wound care specialist. This will come in handy if you or a loved one is ever injured and the emergency services can get to you on time.
Dress Appropriately
Cold weather clothing is an important part of surviving the winter. Wear multiple layers of clothing, solid boots with traction –slipping on ice is a real thing, put on some head warmers, and gloves or mittens.
These will shield you from the cold when you’re out and about. While cases of frostbites are few and far in between, they still happen. It’s always better to be overdressed than to be shabbily dressed in a winter storm.
You never can tell what you’ll meet or find on the roads. For instance, car accidents tend to be much worse. If you’re ever stuck on the road, you want to make sure that you’re adequately war so you don’t freeze to death.
Have Emergency Supplies in the Vehicle
Speaking of emergencies, you need to get emergency supplies like extra batteries, flashlights, an extra phone, a power bank, extra blankets, ice scrapers, radios, and bottled water in the car.
This can make a lot of difference if you’re ever stuck outside during the winter. Also, remember to set up a find my phone account. This way, your loved ones can track where you are at all times. This information can come in handy if they ever have to send help your way.