6 Ideal Ways To Achieve a Healthy Start in 2022

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David Hucks
David Huckshttps://myrtlebeachsc.com
David Hucks is a 12th generation descendant of the area we now call Myrtle Beach, S.C. David attended Coastal Carolina University and like most of his family, has never left the area. David is the lead journalist at MyrtleBeachSC.com

The start of a new year calls for a fresh start. Most people kick off the year with a couple of resolutions to undertake. A new year is a great way to start over and work towards your goals. 

If you want to cut off a habit and improve your wellbeing, here are a few ways you can set yourself on a healthy path.

Set Realistic Goals

Foremost, it would help if you visualized what you aim to achieve. If you want to lose weight, give yourself an attainable goal of losing a few kilos over a certain period. You can set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) plans to help you achieve them. 

Realistic goals are easier to achieve. Instead of going to the gym all day in the week, you can start with two days a week and gradually increase the frequency. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself and end up quitting.

Walk More

Driving to work or school may seem exciting. The only thing you need to worry about is traffic. If you’re looking for a healthy start, ditch the car and take a walk. Walking to work or school will increase your body’s metabolism, burning more calories. 

Walking can also reduce the chances of getting chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. 

Go Sober

This is a great time to cut off your habits and get rid of your addictions. Drug addictions tend to create short-term and long-term effects on your body. Whether it is drinking, smoking, or any other form of narcotics, you should consider embracing a sober lifestyle.

You can commit yourself to one of the American addiction centers to start you on your path to recovery.

Avoid Skipping Breakfast

A lot of websites may give recommendations on weight loss programs. Some may advise you to skip on some meals. Skipping a meal can lower your body’s metabolism affecting how you work. You should also avoid skipping breakfast.

Breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day. It gives you the energy to kick start your day on the right note. 

Some of the healthiest meals you can have for breakfast are 

  • Eggs
  • Oatmeal
  • greek yogurt
  • chia seeds

More so, breakfast is an ideal way to avoid snacking throughout the day.

Drink More Water

Hydrating your body is essential. The human body is made of 60% water. This makes water a necessary ingredient in your everyday functioning.

Taking little to no amounts of water can cause your body to slow down, and you may experience fatigue and headaches.

Adopt a New Form of Self Care

Suppose you keep setting healthy goals each year but never get to attain them. For example, you may decide to commit to going to the gym, but you end up dropping out a few weeks later. You don’t have to go back to the same routine. You can try and take up a new form of self-care.

Yoga has similar physical benefits to your body as going to the gym. It also improves your mental health as you also get to practice meditation. 

If you want to improve your mental health, you can read a book, connect with nature or speak to a therapist.


With the above tips in mind, a healthy year awaits you ahead. Remember, quitters are never winners. If you lose track of your goals, you can always get back on the path.

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