A Deeper Connection – changes in local news

David Hucks

With the advent of AI, artificially programmed news content is becoming common. MyrtleBeachSC News is working with ClickSend to ensure Carolina Forest residents get a deeper community connection in local coverage.

Facts are, Carolina Forest residents are primarily interested in what is happening in their area. MyrtleBeachSC News is working with ClickSend to ensure that events that matter most to you about Carolina Forest are sent to your inbox. Only those most critical items are sent. We do not spam, but will send out alerts to you about information of highest impact.

Changes in how news will connect moving forward

MyrtleBeachSC News has been operating since 2004. Our news newsite will feature a formidable Carolina Forest news section. Look for this in the next coming weeks.

Carolina Forest Residents News

If you are a merchant in Carolina Forest and would like to connect with your own client list, you can join Clicksend by the link provided here: https://www.clicksend.com/us/

At MyrtleBeachSC News, we will be providing a deeper connection to Carolina Forest residents. Our articles will be written by our staff, and not AI generated.

If you would like to highlight a news article you want included, reach us at [email protected].

To sign up for regular Carolina Forest News: https://myrtlebeachsc.com/contact-us/