Yesterday, The SC GOP voted to censure 7th District U.S. Congressman Tom Rice of Myrtle Beach.
Questions remain now whether the Grand Strand Business Alliance (GSBA) will ask Rice to step down.
You may not be familiar with the GSBA, but you have certainly witnessed their handiwork. In short, the GSBA could be called Rice’s entire political base. They helped put him in office. They work ongoing to keep him in office.
The GSBA is by far the most influential political group on the Grand Strand. This Myrtle Beach Area Chamber related organization is headed by life-long Democrat, Steve Chapman. His cousin, Clay Brittain III also serves on the board. Brittan and his brother, Hotel Resort Manager Matthew are life-long Democrats as well. Other high profile board members also include S.C. Highway Commissioner Tony Cox, and Surfside Beach Property Manager Mil Servant.
The GSBA works tirelessly to keep RINO’s like Rice and Luke Rankin in office. S.C. Senator Luke Rankin has served (based on political backing from this group) for decades as well. Historically, the GSBA was the impetus behind all things politics City of Myrtle Beach, Horry County, and the 7th District for the past 35 years.
Yet, continued sunlight on how these coastal RINOS operate in office led to the defeats of Horry County Council Chairman Mark Lazarus, North Myrtle Beach Representative Greg Duckworth, former Myrtle Beach Mayor John Rhodes (now deceased), and others over the past years. Former Surfside Beach Mayor Bob Childs chose not to run again, then later sued residents he said caused that action. Childs was another politician closely connected to GSBA.
A “one million dollar” manufactured CDV campaign against Rankin’s opponent was required to keep Rankin in his seat. Rankin escaped a tight run-off win last June.
The decline of the brand image of Myrtle Beach has also impacted the GSBA’s hold on power in the county.
As we write this over $3 million in opposition campaign monies are being raised to primary Tom Rice.
One reason GSBA would attempt to persuade Rice to resign would be to avoid the huge campaign funding disadvantage, attention, and the black eye his candidacy will bring to the cause.
ONLY OPTIONS LEFT – Destroy Rice’s Opponents
Should Rice continue to refuse to step down, the only options left are to have negative articles planted on Rice’s opponents. The GSBA excels in media efforts like these behind the scenes.
Horry County School Board Chairman Ken Richardson could decide to be one of Rice’s opponents. Richardson has not announced yet. Left leaning news organizations like the New York Times and CNN have worked tirelessly to “out” Richardson’s candidacy, however. Those efforts make Richardson a target while he considers entering the race.
The Post and Courier, another left leaning news outlet, appears to be joining the bandwagon.
Can these liberal news outlets drive up Richardson’s negatives and divide Horry County? Richardson is a beloved figure in the county. It would be hard, but anything is possible.