The owners of Le Manna Bread International Bakery and Café, an Arts and Innovation bakery, have informed the public they are closing after just 4 months since opening their doors.
Myrtle Beach is attempting to reinvigorate it’s downtown in a significant way. The City of Myrtle Beach ran off former business operators in the area, then known as the SuperBlock.
The city renamed the Superblock, calling it the Arts and Innovation District.
Merchants in the area tell MyrtleBeachSC News that the bakery rarely took in over $100 on an average day.
Karen Riordan, CEO of the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce, told merchants and government officials that the first quarter of business in Myrtle Beach was extremely off. This despite the Chamber spending over $54 million in annual tax gifts to promote tourism.
As part of a broader effort to open new businesses in downtown’s historic buildings, including a wine-tasting bar and ice cream shop, Le Manna opened at 507 9th Ave. North, downtown Myrtle Beach.
In November 2021, the city approved the establishment, and it opened in February 2024.
At the time, the owners of the bakery told local media no one is interested in purchasing the business at that location.
The area has historically witnessed high crime and a large homeless population.
The City of Myrtle Beach, however, has spent $30 million in land purchases attempting to improve the area. The City also recently signed a lease with Coastal Carolina University to open a multi purpose theatre in that same storefront area.
Coastal Carolina has not stated, however, when that theatre will open.