Bacteria Levels In Myrtle Beach test 5 times above safe swimming
The most recent May 24th testing for bacteria levels in Myrtle Beach showed a 557 near Breakers Resort. Those results were taken at 24th Avenue North. This oceanfront location is just 3 blocks from Breakers Resort Hotel. Acceptable, safe numbers are 104 or below. A long term no swim advisory is permanently placed in this area.
Elevated bacteria levels in Myrtle Beach, coupled with the past weekend’s violence, resulted in two national media groups warning visitors of Summer travel to the downtown area.
Myrtle Beach continues to struggle with various drainage areas showing elevated bacteria levels in Myrtle Beach ocean waters. The S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control warns beach goers not to swim in any waters where results exceed levels of 1o4. The reading on 24th Avenue North was five times over the safe swimming level.
In Summer months ocean waters get warmer. Bacteria do better in warmer waters. Local residents continue to watch the DHEC monitoring weekly. Locals are concerned as bacteria levels in Myrtle Beach will reach their peak over the next two months.
May 24th Test Results Near Breakers Resort on 24th Ave.
A NO SWIM ADVISORY DOES NOT BAN ANYONE FROM GOING INTO THE OCEAN. THE BEACHES IN THE CITY OF MYRTLE BEACH ARE NOT CLOSED. THIS DHEC ADVISORY IS SIMPLY POSTED TO ALERT BEACH GOERS OF HIGHER BACTERIA LEVELS IN MYRTLE BEACH OCEAN WATER. The most common recreational water illnesses from swimming in ocean areas with high bacteria readings are gastrointestinal. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain or fever. These illnesses result from swallowing water contaminated by disease-causing organisms. Contact with contaminated water can also cause upper respiratory (ear, nose and throat), and wound infections. Young children, the elderly, and those with a weakened immune system are particularly vulnerable to recreational water illnesses.
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