Carolina Forest moved into the polls ranked 8th state-wide, after beating up on region rival Conway last week and improving to 2-0 this season.
No. 8 Carolina Forest will head to Sumter tonight and play the 6th ranked Sumter Gamecocks.
Go Panthers.
Quick Facts about Carolina Forest High School
- National Recognition US News and World Report America’s Best High Schools Enrollment and School
- Total Enrollment: 2644 CFHS Campus: 2256
- AP Enrollment: Carolina Forest High School had 433 students tested in 2018-2019 with 723 exams completed. This is the largest enrollment in Horry County Schools.
- AP (Advanced Placement) Scores72% of the AP (Advanced Placement) exams taken at Carolina Forest High School in 2018-2019 had scores of 3-5. 13 of the 25 courses tested were above the national average. Three courses with 100% passage rate.
- Graduation Rate: Carolina Forest High School had a significant increase in the 4-year graduation rate in 2018-2019. The graduation rate was 86.6% with 528 students graduating.
- EOC: In 2018-2019, Carolina Forest High School had an EOC Pass Rate of 80% overall average and above the state average.
- WINN: 649 students were administered the WINN Exam. Platinum: 25 Gold: 60 Silver: 363 Bronze: 86 SAT/ACT
- Testing: Carolina Forest High School performed above the district and state averages in 2018-2019 with 198 SAT test takers average score was 1080.
- Athletics: Carolina Forest High School students have multiple options of extra-curricular. Over 30 clubs and organizations are offered. 47 athletic teams are offered including middle school athletics.
- Performing Arts: Carolina Forest High School offers musical theater, drama, marching band, orchestra, symphony band, piano 1, piano 2, show choir, mixed chorus, men’s/women’s choir and AP music theory.