City of Myrtle Beach signs black biker executive order, requests Federal Assistance

David Hucks

Myrtle Beach City Manager Fox Simons signed the below black biker weekend executive order setting restrictions for the upcoming Myrtle Beach Black Biker Weekend.

It appears that the City of Myrtle Beach and the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce have goal conflicts when it comes to minority tourists.

The Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce’s Karen Riordan has worked diligently, spending over $54 million in tax dollars every year to promote the city, making it the top minority destination in America.


An Executive Order for Memorial Day weekend and a change to the planned Third Avenue South beach access closure were sent out by the City of Myrtle Beach today.

 Myrtle Beach City Manager Jonathan “Fox” Simons has signed an Executive Order in advance of Memorial Day Weekend.  To read the full Executive Order, see bottom of article.  The public safety and traffic management efforts for the extraordinary event include the following:

  • Authorizations granted to Police Chief Amy Prock for the extraordinary event include:
    • Request assistance from federal, state and other local government agencies
    • Temporarily divert pedestrian and vehicular traffic
    • Establish and enforce no cruising zones and a temporary cruising prohibition
    • Utilize public or private property when there is a compelling necessity of the protection of lives, health and welfare
  • Golf carts are prohibited on Ocean Boulevard, from 29th Avenue North to the south end of city limits, beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, May 24, and ending Monday, May 27, when the traffic control devices have been removed from Ocean Boulevard.  This excludes vehicles used by law enforcement. 

Black Biker weekend executive order

City of Myrtle Beach Black Bike Week by MyrtleBeachSC news on Scribd

The black biker weekend executive order goes into effect Friday Morning at 12:01 a.m. (midnight)

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