MyrtleBeachSC News received the below press release from the Columbia, S.C. Christians For Life.
Press Release Columbia (S.C.) Christians For Life
LUKE RANKIN (Horry) IS NOT “PRO-LIFE” ‘Pro-Life is Pro-Personhood’! Luke Rankin obstructs Personhood,
NOT Pro-Life !!!
While voting on the current FY 2019-2020 SC State Budget ( H.4000) in the SC Senate in 2019,
SC Senator Luke Rankin repeatedly cast votes authorizing: 1) Funding for selected ‘abortions’ through the SC State Health Insurance Plan ( Proviso 108.4);
2) Funding for selected Hyde
Amendment ‘abortions’ through DHHS/Medicaid ( Proviso 33.12); and
3) Funding for Planned
Parenthood ( Proviso 33.25). Luke Rankin not only perpetuates ‘abortion’ by opposing Personhood, but 27-year incumbent Luke Rankin also votes authorizing SC taxpayer-funding of selected ‘abortions’ and of Planned Parenthood !!! [ In Columbia alone from 1978-2018, Planned Parenthood
mass-murdered over 52,000 unborn children according to SC DHEC statistics !!! ]. For his four pro-‘abortion’ scored votes on FY 2019-2020 SC State Budget, Senator Rankin received a score
of 0% on 2019 SC Senate Legislative Scorecard. Luke Rankin has rejected the authority of God’s Word, the Bible, in the Sixth Commandment: ‘Thou shalt not kill (murder).’ Exodus 20:13, KJV.
1. Personhood opponent Senator Luke Rankin (District #33) was NOT a co-sponsor of the 2017-2018 Personhood Bill ( S.217), introduced January 10, 2017, to END “abortion” in SC. In fact, Senator Luke Rankin has NEVER, in ANY year in which principled Personhood legislation been introduced in Senate, been a co-sponsor, since 1998 !!!
2. As the new Chairman of the SC Senate Judiciary Committee (as of December 2016), Personhood opponent Senator Luke Rankin repeatedly “ slow-walked”, then tried to kill the Personhood Bill ( S.217) in his Judiciary Committee in the 2017-2018 Session. Judiciary Chairman Luke Rankin took over two months after S.217 was introduced, until March 22, 2017 to even assign S.217 to a Judiciary Subcommittee, and when he finally did, Personhood obstructionist Rankin appointed an outspoken pro-“abortion” Democrat to be Subcommittee
Chairwoman of the 5-man Subcommittee [ 3 R, 2 D ] in the Republican-majority Judiciary Committee. Two Subcommittee hearings were held, March 30 and April 26 before S.217 was passed; and when S.217 came up on the Agenda of the full Senate Judiciary Committee on May 2, Chairman Rankin effectively unilaterally initially “carried over” the bill, eventually resulting in S.217 not being taken up again by full Senate Judiciary Committee until January 30, 2018, over one year after S.217’s introduction. Still not passed on February 6, one Pro-Personhood Senator moved on Senate Floor to Recall S.217 from Rankin’s Committee, speaking against the stall tactic “filibusters by committee”. Rankin spoke against Recall; it failed on 10 Y – 34 N vote.
Eventually on February 20, 2018, despite Personhood opponent Senator Luke Rankin’s first TWO votes against the Personhood Bill to kill S.217 in his Committee, on the third vote taken (second re-vote on the same Motion for passage !), the Bill passed the full Senate Judiciary Committee on 12 Y – 9 N vote. Rankin apparently thought he had the votes to kill S.217 in his Committee, but one fake “Republican” opposing the Personhood Bill voted to “Abstain” rather than vote “No”, throwing Rankin off balance. See this Report, and view the official archived video (Select Year: 2018), and watch deceiving dissembler Luke Rankin abuse his power as Committee Chairman to first vote “No”; then call for a re-vote and vote “No” again; and then call for yet another re-vote, and change his vote from “No” to “Yes” after he lacks the votes to kill S.217 !
However, the S.217 Personhood Bill was competing for Senate Special Order with the H.3548 fake “pro-life”, compulsory euthanasia, incremental “abortion” regulation legislation, “Dismemberment Bill”. On April 26, H.3548 was given Rules Comm. Special Order, instead of S.217. Once again, as has REPEATEDLY occurred over last 22 years, “Good” is the Enemy of God’s Best ! Incremental Bills are the ENEMY of Personhood !
3. Just days later, as Senate Democrats were filibustering a Republican-supported “Hyde-Amendment”-type fake “pro-life” replacement amendment ( Amendment No. 18A, offered May 2 by a leading pro-“abortion” Democrat !) to the H.3548 compulsory euthanasia “Dismemberment Bill”, four cloture votes were taken to end Democrat filibuster. Although the “Hyde-Amendment”-type fake “pro-life” legislation did not establish Personhood, and had several “exceptions”, most Senate “Republicans” were still in favor or passage. The Republicans needed 26 votes for cloture to stop the Democrat filibuster. “Former” Democrat Senators Leatherman and Rankin were only “Republicans” to vote “No” on last cloture vote ( Cloture vote #4) in May 3 Senate Journal, which was 25 Y to 20 N. In other words, ONLY ONE MORE “YES” VOTE was needed for cloture, and RINO’s Leatherman and Rankin both voted “No”. And Rankin was once again the dissembler, implying persistence of Democrats prevented Republicans from having enough votes to stop filibuster!