First United Methodist Hosts annual Christmas Bazaar and Coat Drive

Christmas Bazaar and Coat Drive

church, methodist, baked goods, bazzar, fundraising, Christmas,Youโ€™re invited to join the First United Methodist Church in Myrtle Beach for its 5th annual Christmas Bazaar, BBQ and Coat Drive. There will be arts, crafts, and local artists and authors and vendors. Attendees are encourages to purchase goodies from the bake sale and fill up on some delicious BBQ.

Also, you can donate new or clean, gently used coat for children and/or adults. This event benefits a coat drive for those in need in the Myrtle Beach area and Coastal Samaritan Counseling Center, a ministry of First Church United Methodist Women Missions.

First United Methodist Church of Myrtle Beach is “where hearts are set on fire.” It’s centrally located in Myrtle Beach and has been in the area since 1915. They offer programs for children, youth, adults and even snowbirds.

The 5th annual Christmas Bazaar, BBQ and Coat Drive will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, November 8 at First United Methodist Church.

Admission for the Bazaar is free.