Fitsnews of Columbia broke a news story today concerning the Disorderly Conduct arrest of Matthew McDaniel for his interruption at the Rock The Red Greenville Convention held this past weekend.
Will Folks reports: Matthew McDaniel of Clemson, S.C. – who was arrested for disorderly conduct by Greenville police in the aftermath of his demonstration at the “Rock the Red” event – is seeking online donations to support his various legal challenges.
The Fitsnews article added: On his Facebook page, McDaniel wrote that Greenville police “refused to investigate my allegations of assault” even though a video of him being body-slammed by Horry county, S.C. internet “shock jock” Chad Caton was posted online.
We reached out to Sargent Russell Irvin of the Greenville City Police Department. Says Irvin, “The disorderly conduct case against Matthew McDaniel is now a closed investigation.“
“However, we are not at liberty to discuss any investigation(s) that may have or will develop as a result of these original charges or issues surrounding these original charges,” Irvin added.
Writes Fitsnews: “These people are in big trouble and now they are playing CYA because they know they are about to go to jail,” McDaniel wrote in an email to this news outlet early Tuesday. “I was lynched by a mob of people. I am going down today to press charges.”
Wait … lynched?
McDaniel also told me he was unarmed at the time of the incident.
“There was no blackjack,” he told me. “I have never owned one and never will. The police would have found it if I had one. That is a total lie.”
The Greenville Police is rightfully using the SLED approach to investigations. The State Law Enforcement Division policy is that no information is released until the entire investigation is closed.
McDaniel has made it clear that he wants Chad Caton arrested for assault and battery.