Palmetto Gun Rights condemns S.C. House Speaker Murrell Smith for 2nd time

David Hucks

December 18, 2024

Columbia, SC Palmetto Gun Rights denounces S.C. House Speaker Murrell Smith for his actions of appointing anti-gun Democrats to multiple influential committees within the South Carolina House of Representatives.

When you start draining the swamp, the water gets clearer and the creatures can no longer hide,” said Tommy Dimsdale, Executive Director of Palmetto Gun Rights. in regards to S.C. House Speaker Murrell Smith, Dimsdale added, “Not only do Speaker Smith’s actions ignore the loud message conservatives sent in the primaries and general election, but it’s now clear how Speaker Smith coerced the entire Democrat Caucus to join Republicans in preserving his power.

House Speaker Murrell Smith

Considering South Carolina’s expanding super-majorities, the decision of S.C. House Speaker Murrell Smith to demote conservative lawmakers from posts, and promote Democrats into positions of power has many South Carolinians raising eyebrows, including gun owners.

After Speaker Smith and his band of RINOs spent millions in a failed attempt to oust the most pro-gun Reps in the state, Smith is making it clear he’d rather work with anti-gun Democrats than pro-gun conservatives this session,” proclaimed Dustin Curtis, Director of State Affairs for the National Association for Gun Rights. “Ensuring that pro-gun reps aren’t at the head of these committees is their desperate attempt to avoid having to take a vote on future pro-gun bills.

Dimsdale noted this isn’t the first time leadership and S.C. House Speaker Murrell Smith attempted to thwart gun owners.

Despite the swamp’s efforts to dodge accountability and go on the record for future pro-gun laws, PGR members have proven we can overcome leadership’s stall tactics just like we did to finally pass Constitutional Carry this year,” Dimsdale concluded.

House Speaker Murrell Smith
House Speaker Murrell Smith opens legislative meeting

The National Association for Gun Rights and Palmetto Gun Rights vowed to keep close tabs on the legislature, S.C. House Speaker Murrell Smith and report back to their members on the happenings at the capitol.

Palmetto Gun Rights is the largest “no compromise” pro-gun organization in South Carolina. PGR is the South Carolina affiliate of the National Association for Gun Rights, the nation’s largest “no compromise” pro-gun organization, with 4.5 million members nationwide.