How Can Students Stay Fit: Best Healthy Tips for You

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David Hucks
David Hucks
David Hucks is a 12th generation descendant of the area we now call Myrtle Beach, S.C. David attended Coastal Carolina University and like most of his family, has never left the area. David is the lead journalist at

Student life is extremely busy: never-ending home tasks, writing assignments, exams, lectures, and some social life in-between. Most students try to combine all these things with freelance or part-time jobs and that can be crazy and exhausting. Having all these activities in your schedule, one might find it hard to fit the gym time into it. But you should never sacrifice your health and try to find balance in your life. The study suggests that having regular physical activity will benefit in better academic performance and overall good mental health, so we strongly recommend that you find some time for fitness in your life.

Here are some tips that would help you stay in shape while you are juggling your education and work. In case you feel like you need some help with your assignments, essays, case studies, etc., while you are trying to shift your focus on fitness, feel free to address professional case study writers who will help you out at any time.

So, here are the tips for you to begin including fitness in your life:

  1. Put workout time in your schedule

Simply finding 30 minutes during a day for a workout will improve your health and well-being. Schedule it in your calendar as you do it with your writing assignments or exam preparation. Stick to it and try not to skip (we know it would be hard). To reinforce this habit we also recommend you acknowledge your efforts and praise yourself for every 30 minutes you stay committed to your workout habit.

  1. Go on foot or ride a bike to your university

If you live about 20 minutes from your campus, why not ride there or go on foot? Consider in advance the time you will need for that to not be late for your classes. It could be especially relaxing to walk home afterwards. In such a way you will not only have some physical activity but also clear your head after a hard day.

You may also climb stairs to your classrooms rather than take an elevator – another little exercise for you.

  1. Do not follow crazy diets

Eating healthily is a good habit that will improve your overall condition, but following extreme diets that promise you fast weight loss can give you the opposite result. Surely, you will become slimmer, but it will be harmful to your health. Moreover, the result will not last long as you can get your weight back soon after you stop following the diet. The best approach would be to simply have balanced nutrition in addition to regular fitness activities. Such a lifestyle will be beneficial for your physical and mental health.

  1. Watch your diet

Make sure your meals include lots of fruits and vegetables. Avoid too fat and spicy food, otherwise you will ruin your stomach and put on weight quickly. While you are on campus there is a temptation to grab snacks or buy the first available dishes in the canteen. Try to put more effort into your diet habits by choosing the food you consume carefully and, maybe, bringing your meals with you. 

In addition, do not forget about the importance of staying hydrated, so take a bottle of water with you wherever you go. Dehydration will lead to skin problems, fatigue, dizziness, etc.

  1. Go to the gym on your breaks

If you cannot decide when exactly during your day to go to the gym, we suggest doing your workouts in-between your study hours. Such simple activities will help improve your concentration and get better achievements.

  1. Go to the gym with a buddy

Surround yourself with other people who want to integrate fitness into their life. They will motivate you and keep you on track when you have your moments of laziness or doubts. Ask your roommate, maybe they will join you in the gym. That would be another way to bond with them while having something in common.

  1. Proper sleep

Everyone knows that sleep is crucial for our health and 7-8 hours of sleep are a must for the human body. However, it can be extremely hard to have enough sleep with all your responsibilities, constantly changing schedules, shifting deadlines, etc. No matter what duties you might have, learn to manage your time in a way that you are able to get your 8-hour sleep, preferably by going to bed before midnight.

Keep in mind that sleep deprivation lowers your immune response, deteriorates your mental abilities, and might lead to dementia in the future.

  1. Wash your hands and body 

COVID-19 showed us the importance of basic hygiene, so to avoid illnesses, do not forget to wash your hands. When you are surrounded by other students the viruses could spread fast and it is easy to catch a cold. So, wash your hands and body frequently to prevent infections. Be sure to have sanitizer with you when you cannot wash your hands.

  1. Keep your room clean

When you prioritize your education, work, and workouts, cleaning your space and dishes seem to be the least important task in your schedule. However, constant air circulation and room cleaning prevent the spread of germs and viruses. Plus, while cleaning you get physical activity too which is definitely a big plus.

  1.  Have a rest when you feel like

In a world where productivity seems to be the main human value, you might feel guilty when you do not work. But you need to listen to your body when you feel tired or sick and allow yourself to rest. Give yourself some time to get back into shape. The world won’t stop if you let yourself take a break. Moreover, it’s definitely not a good idea to spread your germs to others.

  1. Meditate to reduce stress

It’s impossible to avoid stress in a modern world, although it can be as harmful as viruses or germs. That is why you need to take time to relax, meditate, and care for your mental health.

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