UPDATE: As of 11:13 a.m., the S.C. IG writes: The SIG is barred by statute (SC Code of Laws, §1-6-10 et seq) of investigating the legislative and judicial branch of state government.
A mailer sent out picturing SC Rep. Val Guest with S.C. National Guard Major General Van McCarty broke the law. The photo gives an indirect impression of an endorsement by the General.
The General is not allowed to endorse any candidate per a Department of Defense directive. The mailer was paid for by Val Guest.
Multiple sources have now confirmed that the General was extremely upset by the mailer.
General McCarty did not (and could not) give Val Guest permission to use the photo in this capacity. McCarty called in S.C. Inspector General Brian Lamkin to investigate and clear his name, sources have informed our news team.
A5. DoD Directive 1344.10, Political Activities by Members of the Armed Services, specifically lists several “shall nots” for active duty members. Overall, any activity that may be reasonably viewed as directly or indirectly associating the DoD with a partisan political activity or is otherwise contrary to the
Directive shall be avoided. Some specific prohibitions listed in the Directive include: active participation in political fundraising activities, rallies, conventions, debates, public group discussion, and political clubs; use of official authority or official influence; allow or cause to be published partisan political articles, letters or endorsements that solicit votes for or against a partisan political party, candidate or cause (this is distinguished from a letter to the editor); or, solicit others with respect to fundraising activities. Please keep in mind that activities not expressly prohibited in the Directive may still be contrary to the spirit and intent of the Directive.
Major General Van McCarty is the 29th Adjutant General for South Carolina and the head of the South Carolina Military Department, which includes the South Carolina National Guard. His responsibilities include: Managing the South Carolina Army and Air National Guard, Managing the Emergency Management Division, Managing the State Guard, and Managing the Youth Challenge Academy
SC Rep. Val Guest is opposed by Surfside Beach small business owner Brian Sweeney.
SC Rep. Val Guest is the S.C. Incumbent Representative of District 106 which includes Murrells Inlet, Garden City, Surfside Beach, Deefield, to Market Common and Long Bay Estates.
Early voting began May 28th. Election will be held Tuesday June 11th.
The race is considered a toss up. Early voting has been very light.