Blame it on Halloween season, or campaign season, or just a town in denial and decline. Yesterday Mayor Brenda Bethune went off on the “Fake News” narrative once again.

Of course, once her “official” Facebook post went up, several comments did not go as the mayor planned on her own official city page.
To be sure, there were also an ongoing thread of comments from two or three Myrtle Beach High School class of 1970-somethings. A special recognition should go out to Mike Dabrowski. He posted among the most ridiculous posts which our team did screen shot, for the record. Most all of his posts were removed or deleted by 9 p.m. We are choosing not to post that rude, unintelligent and childish banter here.

Just as the Mayor’s post went public, we were talking to Horry County School Board Chairman Ken Richardson about the lawsuit Horry County and Horry County Schools have against the city. Like so many other news outlets, we published that article about one hour after the Mayor’s Facebook post.

At MyrtleBeachSC news, we focus on the big issues that impact the city.
Intelligent articles that discuss: How Myrtle Beach Government’s Controlled Command Economy works , Beach Bacteria and how it affects tourism (Also covered by USA today), Myrtle Beach Civil Asset Forfeiture ruled unconstitutional by 15th Circuit, Myrtle Beach Tourism Down 3 consecutive years running, Decaying Myrtle Beach Sewer Infrastructure, Hospitality Tax suit with Horry County, Empty Myrtle Beach buildings, Selective City Zoning, among a host of other articles covered by almost every other local media.
Mrs. Bethune and City Manager John Pedersen continue to deny these articles are true. Here is where the city prefers to put its focus.

What we refuse to print is tabloid gossip provided by Dunes Club and Pine Lakes princesses circa High School 1970’s.
We don’t care about the squabbles the mayor is currently having with her daughter, or where the mayor’s husband is currently sleeping. Or what city employee spent an extended time living in the mayor’s house, or any city employee’s personal lifestyle choices.
Myrtle Beach High elites can keep that small town gossip among themselves. We get calls like these continually. You can stop calling. We aren’t going to print that.
To that small group of aging bitties we say, “Your parents actually did something. They built a town. Sadly, they are now dead and all we have left to lead are you.” Our readers can note: it is a very small group to be certain. Myrtle Beach, however, is not a 2019 episode of DALLAS and this group just isn’t as important as they believe they are.
City Staff Calls
We do get calls from disgruntled city staff workers who once worked for Tom Leath, that now work for John Pedersen. Those staff members believe the city is heading in the wrong direction. We get calls from Horry County leaders who feel the same way.
We always check these leads out. Oftentimes, we do not print the names of city staff for fear they will lose their jobs.
While Mayor Bethune’s small group of high school cheerleaders continue to carry her big government ideology and choose to live in an era long since gone, Market Common residents and Grand Dunes residents will only buy this nonsense for so long.
If you do live in Market Common or Grand Dunes, Ed Carey and Charles Gasque are two conservatives running this Tuesday.
Wayne Gray is a self described Democrat, however, he is to the right of Mayor Bethune, John Pedersen and all other current members of City Council.
As for liberal Myrtle City Council Candidate John Krajc, the radio commercials are cute, however this best sums up his candidacy.