Mike Mahaney, controversial former City Manager, to run for North Myrtle Beach Mayor

David Hucks

Mike Mahaney, the ex-City Manager of North Myrtle Beach, has officially declared his candidacy for the mayoral position in the upcoming November elections.

Mahaney got dismissed by the North Myrtle Beach City Council due to persistent controversies throughout his tenure as City Manager. Additionally, he consented to receiving hush money funded by taxpayers upon his departure from the position.

Mike Mahaney is presently the sole candidate to declare their intention to run for mayor at the time of this publication. Most North Myrtle Beach residents expect current Mayor Marilyn Hatley to retire at the end of this term.

Mike Mahaney frequently encountered conflicts with various local business owners, including Weldon Boyd, who owns Buoys on the Boulevard in North Myrtle Beach.

Mike Mahaney

Boyd shared the following on Facebook in response to the Mike Mahaney for Mayor announcement.

WMBF reached out regarding Mike Mahaney {Mike M.] running for mayor. They wanted a statement and I gladly gave one. As we all know, the news will cut things out, or shorten your quote for whatever reason you decide they do it for. With that in mind, here is the full quote I texted to them. So here’s what was said, fully.

My experience with [Mike Mahaney] Mike in a position of power has been hell. I fought him and the city in a 3 year court battle where they accused me of something I didn’t do.

In the end we proved it was a lie and we won. Years ago at my first restaurant East Bay Deli, my first experience with Mike was when I was hosting a charity fund raiser car show. He showed up on a Saturday, out of uniform and began to scream at me for not getting a permit. He yelled at me for 5 minutes.

When in my own way, I told him to kiss my ass, he demanded to know if I knew who he was. Afterwards the city actually made him write me an apology letter and they blamed it on his wife being sick, but through the years I’ve come to learn the city always defended Mike with an excuse when he behaved like a child with a crown.

Towards me, Mike has always been a bully, i should have filed the harassment suit against him but didn’t because I did not want to cost tax payers more money than Mike already spent trying to beat me in court, and they still lost.

My experience with Mike is he is not a nice person. He has physically broken property multiple times at my establishment in anger when I refused to just bend over and do as he said when I felt he was wrong. Once he was mad I had tiki torches, so he showed up, stood on the side walk yelling at me, then grabbed it and bent it off the wall until it snapped.

Told me to get the rest down and he stormed off. I’ve watched him tear Christmas lights out of my bushes in anger hours before our free community Christmas event, claiming they were “his bushes” (the cities) come to find out they were part of the property that was leased by me.

No one knows what really happened in that office when he was accused of touching that lady, I think we were all left confused over that entire thing. My belief is [Mike Mahaney] Mike is not running for the betterment of NMB, Mike is running for revenge and business owners like me will be right back in his cross hairs if he wins. But when have I ever stood down from a fight against the misuse of power? [Mike Mahaney] Mike could write the book on that. Elect this angry man as Mayor and you’ll see the happiness in this town decline, especially by city employees who were relieved when he was finally sent packing.”

I firmly believe electing Mike as mayor is putting a pissed off bulldog in charge and all he wants to do is bite the hands that stood against him. You will be empowering an angry man.

If he decides to sue me over my quote, that is just proof. We will gladly meet him in court and present facts, photos, documents, witnesses and everything else needed to back up what was said and further show NMB how hateful this man is.

If he does get elected, I assure you the videos at Buoys will start up again because I am positive the harassment will resume.

I ask that you share this, if you don’t live here you can still help by simply sharing. The more exposure the better. Tag your friends, send it to your group chats, share it to your wall. Anything helps,

Change is a heavy thing. One man might can start lifting it, but it takes us all to grab it and carry it. For years I have held the corner up waiting, help me carry this.

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