After ongoing controversies including run ins with North Myrtle Beach merchants, staff, and (lately) elected city leaders, Mike Mahaney has applied for a job in Fernandina Beach, FL.
Mahaney was hired and has maintained his post as North Myrtle Beach city manager since 2010.
He previously worked in the same capacity in other municipalities for 40 years.
Mike Mahaney is one of 18 candidates for the Fernandina Beach, Florida city manager position with less than one week remaining until applications are closed.
Work History
From 2004 to 2007, Mahaney served as Nassau County’s county manager. Nassau County is located in the state of New York.
His next job was as city manager in Deerfield Beach, Florida, where he lasted two years before being fired in 2010. He earned $180,000 a year and supervised 798 employees. When he was hired, he told the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel he left the county manager position due to political changes.
Mahaney is currently the city manager of North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, overseeing a $208 million budget with 680 employees in a town that hosts millions of tourists each year.
Mike Mahaney – Past Controversies
His run ins with North Myrtle Beach merchants made headlines.
In 2022, the owner of a local kayak business alleged Mike Mahaney assaulted her during a meeting to discuss the future of her business. The State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) investigated the May 10, 2022 incident and sent its findings to 15th Circuit Solicitor Jimmy Richardson, who wrote back that the state would not move forward with a prosecution given the high barrier to proving an assault “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
His run ins with local merchants “just off” main street and ocean boulevard are legendary.
In 2020, MyrtleBeachSC News reported: The City of North Myrtle Beach issued a ticket to the restaurant owner, Weldon Boyd, on May 8, 2020 for “supposedly” violating Governor Henry McMaster’s Covid emergency mandate 2020-10.
The jury deliberated for a total of 4 minutes before returning a verdict of not guilty for Weldon Boyd and Buoys Restaurant.
Mahaney holds a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and a Master of Public Administration from James Madison University.