Myrtle Beach Will Close 12th Ave North At Slingshot Ride

David Hucks

Effective immediately, The City of Myrtle Beach will entirely close 12th North running adjacent to the Myrtle Beach Slingshot ride.

Closed 12th

The city has been looking for ways to increase walkability in the downtown area. 12th Avenue is an area where tourists like to congregate watching the passengers on the ride hurled skyward.

The boulevard is such an important part of Myrtle Beach,” said Myrtle Beach Mayor Brenda Bethune. “It’s our main entertainment district. We just want to make it as beautiful as we can, inviting and fun.

Pedestrians can congregate, watch the amusements and not get hurt, but also a way we can even take that area and possibly beautify it with a mural on the road,” added Bethune.

Mayor Bethune said the city isn’t considering closing any other streets along Ocean Boulevard at this time.

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