Residents filled town council in Surfside Beach last night in opposition to the town’s proposed new parking fee ordinance.
Two candidates running for Surfside Beach Town Council, Cindy Keating and Michael Drake, each addressed the current town council. Drake asked council to consider delaying any future contracts or agreements that would tie the hands of new councilmen (to be elected this coming November 5th). His comments were met with applause from those in attendance.
Cindy Keating proposed suspending all parking meter fees. She stated that she had worked the numbers. Keating believes suspending all parking fees will increase the number of customers visiting the town. She informed council that a 10% increase in consumer spending would more than offset any monies the town would collect in parking fees.
Current Councilman Mark Johnson stated he opposed the ordinance. “Ya’ll are going to own this one,” said Johnson to Mayor Childs and his fellow councilmen.
Surfside Beach Town Council decided to hold a workshop on the issue. However, despite objections and public chatter from all in attendance, Mayor Bob Childs stated he wanted a first reading on the ordinance.
The vote on first reading was taken and passed.