The Challenges Of At-Home Caring For A Loved One

David Hucks

It’s a mark of the depth of a friendship or familial bond that we often say “I’d do anything for you” to our loved ones. Sometimes we don’t think very much about what is meant by that phrase, but a pretty good example of how deep the bond goes would be when we find ourselves in the position of providing at-home care for someone. That’s something we’d all generally agree we’d be prepared to do for someone we’re close to – but which can be a very abstract concept until you’re in the position of doing it.

No at-home care provider would dream of complaining about what they do – it’s very much a circle of life, and one day when you require care, someone will step in to do it for you. However, it is worth keeping in mind for those of us looking in from the outside just how much of a challenge it can be to provide care around the clock for someone – even if it is someone who means the world to us, and for whom we would do anything.

There are a lot of challenges involved in being the primary care-giver for someone else, but there are places that can help. The right Senior Home Care provider could work with you to provide care to your friend or relative, while also giving you some respite. You might be caring for someone else, but that doesn’t mean that this needs to be your whole life, and if you can have the help, you should take it.

You sometimes need to be almost psychic

If life is frustrating for an at-home carer, it may be beneficial to think for a moment about what it’s like for the person being cared for. The irritation of being physically dependent on another human being is unimaginable for those of us who haven’t been in that position. That’s part of why a person in receipt of care may be reluctant to ask for things they clearly need.

This means the person on the caring side needs to be proactive and provide things without being asked – from reminding the patient to rehydrate at regular intervals to helping administer any medication. For anyone who has never been a parent particularly, the workload can come as a shock. You’ll need to remember to look after yourself at the same time.

Your relationship will become strained sometimes

When we say “I’d do anything for you”, we may mean it, but notice that we don’t tend to say “I’d do anything for you, and always do it with a smile in my face and a spring in my step”. Caring for someone can be the finest thing you ever do, and simultaneously also be: isolating; exhausting; unrewarding; and irritating. As much as you love someone, caring for another human being can, and usually will, strain your relationship. Both of you will be feeling a lot of emotions, and they are liable to clash. You may argue, and the most important thing to remember is that it’s the situation you’re unhappy with, not each other.

You’ll learn more than you could have imagined

Caring for another person involves a lot of changes and a lot of responsibilities. You may well find yourself being responsible for their medication, speaking to their doctor(s) and, depending on the reason for their infirmity, carrying out various procedures both diagnostic and remedial. In order to provide the best care possible, you’ll find yourself researching information you might never have imagined you would before. The knowledge you will gain as a result will give you a new outlook on life and health, and can be invaluable both now and in the future.


Caring for a loved one is something we are all prepared to do, but it isn’t straightforward. If you’re ready for it, though, at-home caring for your loved one can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. 

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