Last night, Horry County Planning and Zoning chose to delay “The Bluffs at Cherry Grove Beach’s” request to change the FUTURE USE of the land on Waties Island (sometimes called Waites Island) from Scenic & Conservation to a “Suburban” designation.
Planning and Zoning directors stated the issue should be tabled until a work study could be done. They also said a community meeting should be scheduled so as to get input from those living in Tidewater and along Little River Neck road before any changes are made.
This after an abundance of calls and complaints were made to local Horry County Councilwoman, Jenna Dukes. Dukes, and her husband, Curtis Dukes purchased land from Little River Holdings along the proposed change area.
In an email to MyrtleBeachSC News, Horry County Planning and Zoning Director David Jordan wrote, “The applicant’s agent requested a deferral of the rezoning request and the future land use map amendment. The agent stated they are going to schedule a community meeting, but has not finalized plans. The Horry County PIO will publicize any meeting, but we normally don’t do mailouts for a developer’s community meeting.“
The change of Future Use from Scenic & Conservation to Suburban opens up a Pandora’s box of opportunities for Kiawah Island owner William H. Goodwin Jr’s, Riverstone Corporation.

Goodman wants to put a high-rise in the center of the Island.

The item was planned to be voted on during this coming Tuesday’s Horry County Council Meeting. The delay means it will not be on the agenda.