While Tensions Mount – Investments Grow

David Hucks

Chinese- U.S. Tensions Mount
Chinese- U.S. Tensions Mount

In Myrtle Beach,  Founders Development LLC, (Chinese investment group),  has now purchased over $645,000.00 of residential land in the Black Creek subdivision.  The land was purchased on February 17th.


The U.P.I. reported yesterday that China opposes the deployment of a U.S. Missile anti-defense system in South Korea.

The News report stated:

China is opposed to the deployment of a U.S. anti-missile defense system on the Korean peninsula and issued a strong warning Tuesday.    Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Zhang Yesui met with South Korean delegates in Beijing Tuesday to directly convey the government’s objections to Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, a deterrent that could intercept North Korea missiles, South Korean television network SBS reported.

Zheng’s message to South Korea and the United States was also a warning. The senior official told reporters that Beijing opposes the deployment of THAAD, and that he hoped “relevant nations (implying the U.S.) would act carefully.”

Meanwhile, CNN reported yesterday:  China has deployed surface-to-air missiles on a disputed island in the South China Sea, according to Taiwan and U.S. officials, in a move that has alarmed the United States and China’s Asian neighbors.   The Wall Street Journal also featured this news story in the video below as tensions between the USA and China are becoming increasingly strained.

Here in Myrtle Beach,  Founders Development LLC, (Chinese Investment Group),  has now purchased over $645,000.00 of residential land in the Black Creek subdivision.  The land was purchased on February 17th,  yesterday.


Black Creek Plantation is a high end, gated neighborhood, located just off River Oaks Drive and west of the Intracoastal Waterway in Myrtle Beach, S.C.

It is considered one of the most premium neighborhoods in our area with homes that average over $650,000 in real estate values.

Real Estate professionals informed us that homes will be constructed on the land tracts purchased by Founders Development, LLC

While the U.S. military continues to raise alarms about Chinese militarization, local politicians and local corporations encourage and foster Chinese acquisitions.

Mayor John Rhodes and Councilman Mark Lazarus just returned from a 16 day trip to China where they announced to city residents that the Chinese would be investing $100 million in a project within the next 90 days.

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