Who is bussing in terrorists to the nation’s capitol?

David Hucks

The Democrat Party has changed America in ways unimaginable by encourgaging allies to bus in terrorists to the nation’s capitol destroying the city. This in protest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamen Netanyahu speaking to a joint session of Congress.

Video above clearly shows these terrorists being bused in. While the FBI is unwilling to identify the persons funding these activities, these terrorists clearly identify with the Democrat Party.

Vice President Kamala Harris and scores of other Congressional Democrats refused to attend the congressional speech.

Clean up is underway today in Washington, D.C. after monuments were defaced yesterday. American flags were burned. Capitol Police were beaten. Terrorists chanted “Death to America and Free, Free Palestine.”

Palestinian flags were hoisted where the American Flags once flew.

This, on the same day, President Joe Biden states he will occupy the office for the next 6 months.

This chaos is clearly financed by the left.

Legalized lawlessness remains nation-wide by various groups, including those operating within U.S. bureaucracies.

Nikki Haley ran a campaign titled Make America Normal Again. As long as the radical left holds most of the key offices in our country, is normal again possible?

Who Is George Soros?

George Soros is a Hungarian-American investor, philanthropist, and political activist known for his profound influence on global financial markets and social initiatives. Born in 1930 in Budapest, he survived Nazi occupation during World War II before emigrating to the United States, where he attended the London School of Economics. Soros gained fame as a hedge fund manager with his Quantum Fund, notably making billions by betting against the British pound in 1992 during what’s often referred to as Black Wednesday. Beyond his financial acumen, Soros is equally recognized for his extensive philanthropic efforts through the Open Society Foundations, which advocate for democracy, human rights, and education worldwide. His commitment to progressive causes has made him a polarizing figure; supporters laud him as a champion of liberal values while critics often portray him as an influential puppet master behind various socio-political movements. The duality of Soros’s legacy—an astute businessman who navigated complex market landscapes alongside a passionate humanitarian—continues to spark debate across political spectrums globally.

Soros, along with his son Alex, are suspected in funding many of these terrorists. Iran is also assumed complicit with financing. These two groups also are suspected as funding various high profile democrat party candidates across the U.S.A. Soros now funds many state and city district attorneys.

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