William Bailey Wins NMB District 104 By 18 Votes

David Hucks

William Bailey wins District 104. His win cements a legacy of change along the Grand Strand.


North Myrtle Beach’s William Bailey won the S.C. State Representative’s seat by a mere 18 votes.

Incumbent Greg Duckworth has not conceded the race as of this post.

State House 104 e1528863275956

The South Carolina House of Representatives is the lower house of the South Carolina General Assembly, the upper house being the South Carolina Senate. It consists of 124 Representatives elected to two year terms at the same time as US Congressional elections.

Unlike many legislatures, seating on the floor is not divided by party, but is arranged by county delegation. This is a legacy of the original apportionment of the chamber. Until 1964, each county was a legislative district, with the number of representatives determined by the county’s population.

William Bailey now represents North Myrtle Beach District 104.

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