“Woke” Myrtle Beach considers vague hate crime rule

David Hucks

Myrtle Beach City Government is considering a hate crime rule, but specifics defining what constitutes hate crimes and hate crime speech remain vague.

The city’s Human Rights Commission discussed adopting the resolution during its meeting last night.

Kelvin Waites
Kevin Waites, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Officer

Kelvin Waites serves as director of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Office for the City of Myrtle Beach. The position was established on January 2022 as part of a renewed effort to promote an inclusive, city environment.

The ordinance calls for a hate crime punishment to be a misdemeanor with fines exceeding no more than $500 dollars and possibly up to thirty days of jail time.

The State of South Carolina currently has no hate crime laws.

The resolution states the city is committed to promoting a unified community and calls for state legislators in Columbia to immediately enact a hate crime law, because the state is one of two in the country that don’t have one.

We just want to send a strong message to both our residents here and visitors coming to Myrtle Beach that you know everyone’s welcome here at Myrtle Beach. But we will not tolerate hate,” said LGBTQIA+ Human Rights Commissioner Terry Livingston.

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The Human Rights commission is also requesting the city of Myrtle Beach put signage city-wide, promoting LGBTQIA+ safety and security.