Biden Administration Grants Relief to Hundreds of Thousands of Illegals and Dreamers

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David Hucks
David Hucks
David Hucks is a 12th generation descendant of the area we now call Myrtle Beach, S.C. David attended Coastal Carolina University and like most of his family, has never left the area. David is the lead journalist at

Today, in what amounts to nothing less than a political stunt, President Joe Biden will grant affirmative relief to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants. These law breakers refused to use appropriate channels to enter the U.S. legally. Yet Biden puts their “supposed rights” above the rights of those who work diligintly to become legal citizens appropriatels.

This in attempt to win back his office in what amounts to a failed presidency.

According to estimates from, the Biden administration has introduced new measures to increase the availability of parole in place for approximately 500,000 long-term illegal immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens. This temporary protection from deportation will allow recipients to apply for legal work authorization and potentially achieve lawful permanent residency. These crucial actions will reunite up to 2 million illegal aliens, including around 50,000 children and young adults in these households., a liberal D.C. group, put out the following statement.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Todd Schulte issued the following statement today on President Biden’s announcement to grant affirmative immigration relief:
“Today marks a historic milestone in improving the lives of hundreds of thousands of Dreamers and American families with undocumented members.
“This is a tremendous step forward from President Biden, and a much-needed fulfillment of the promise to keep families together. 
“We celebrate alongside millions whose futures are brighter today, stand with those still awaiting similar protections, and renew our commitment to protecting this progress and fixing every aspect of our failed immigration system — including giving a pathway to citizenship to those who have waited too long.”

For more information on parole in place for spouses of U.S. citizens, CLICK HERE.

For more information on streamlining 212(d)(3) waivers for DreamersCLICK HERE.

The 212(d)(3) waiver is a critical tool that could help many DACA recipients and other Dreamers individuals be sponsored for temporary work visas, thereby securing their immigration status and opening up pathways to permanent residency, ultimately citizenship, and voting rights in the near future.

About is a bipartisan political organization that believes America’s families, communities, and economy thrive when more individuals are able to achieve their full potential. For too long, our failed immigration and criminal justice systems have locked too many people out of the American dream. Founded by leaders in the technology and business communities, we seek to grow and galvanize political support to break through gridlock and achieve meaningful reforms. Together, we can move America forward.

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