7 Real Tips for Students to Start Writing Better Right Away

Marleny Hucks

As a student, you have to complete dozens of essays and term papers every year. Becoming a fast and efficient writer can help boost your productivity and create persuasive essays. 

Implementing a few simple habits can help you write better and faster. In this article, we have included a few tips that students can adopt to start writing better right away. 

Do Thorough Research

A common mistake that students make is to underestimate the importance of research before writing an essay or a term paper. There is always a distinct difference between a well-researched essay and one that lacks any evidence. 

In other words, students will need to consider how long they need to do the required research before even starting to write the paper. Of course, the time will vary depending on the complexity of the topic. If students find it challenging to locate the right resources, they can simply search in Google ‘write my paper for me on PaperWriter,’ and they will see different academic services that can help them with this. The only consideration is to pick a reputable and trustworthy provider. 

Take on a Critical Approach

The main purpose of writing an essay is to demonstrate that you have the ability to think critically about a subject. This means that you can’t merely take arguments from another research paper. Instead, you will need to put your cognitive skills to work. 

For instance, after researching, you will synthesize ideas from different sources and analyze them. Then, you will need to consider how you personally approach the subject. At this point, you might be thinking, “how can I, a high school or undergraduate student, question an expert’s work? Well, it is not about disapproving of a theory or discovering a flaw. However, you can say, “I find that there are certain issues with these aspects or that you have questions regarding them and how you might resolve this.” 

Critique Your Own Arguments

After you have cast a critical eye on your research material, you should examine your arguments. This is because you cannot write a paper that has a single perspective; this will seem biased. 

Instead, you need to develop your points, consider the counter arguments, and explain why your thesis is better. It is important to consider the strongest objections against your own argument and respond to them. This way, you become aware of the flaws in your reason, allowing you to devise persuasive arguments. 

Read Other Essays

The point discussed above works best for critical and analytical essays. If you want to improve your creative writing, then the best and, perhaps, the easiest way is to read. 

Reading books can subconsciously help mold your writing style. Similarly, you can develop and build your writing style by reading other essays. If you don’t prefer to read, this tip might not seem interesting. However, trust us, reading can be a very effective way to improve your writing skills – and we aren’t saying that you need to spend hours on it. 

If not essays, you can read anything you like, such as fiction, non-fiction, new articles, and others. It is best to cover a wide range of subjects and writings by different authors. The wider you read, the more techniques you will pick up to use in your essays. 

Syntax and Tone of Voice

The tone of voice and the sentence structure will also influence how intelligent you sound in your essays. The most important consideration is to ensure that your writing is easy for the readers to understand. However, you can still utilize a range of interesting syntax to make your essay dynamic. 

Try incorporating variety in sentence structures by using long and short phrases. Extremely long sentences can be difficult to read no matter who your audience is, and therefore, focus on simplifying the writing. Similarly, you should also ensure that your essay is properly punctuated. 

An essay riddled with poor grammar will put you in a bad light in front of your professors. If you are not used to writing regularly, it might seem as if there are too many grammatical points to keep in mind. To make this easier, you can submit your essays to paper writing services for experts to proofread them. Alternatively, students can also use writing apps such as Grammarly or Outright to edit their essays and remove errors in the convention. 

Student writing in notebook

Finally, the Introduction

Dealing with the introduction, in the end, is an old trick in the book. However, many students still struggle with the art of opening their essays with the right phrasing. 

According to writing experts, introductions are perhaps the easiest thing to get right. A simple way of approaching this is to say, “Here is the thesis statement, and I am going to support this with three or four strands of arguments, taking reference from these theorists, and concluding with my thoughts on the topic.” 

Students should be able to contain this in about 100 words. Yes, you can get creative with the wording. However, how the reader responds to creative introductions is very subjective. As such, sticking to the fundamentals can help you formulate a simple yet, effective introduction – especially if you are struggling to come up with one. 

Revise Later

Now that we have discussed how to approach the writing part let us talk about proofreading. Great essays are rarely fully formed during the first draft. Often, it requires a number of revisions to shape the essay. But, it is not a good idea to edit while you are writing. It can be time-consuming and even counterproductive.

Instead, try to write whatever comes to your mind and leave the revising for later. It’s important to give yourself a break before proofreading – this will help you come back to the page with a fresh set of eyes. And as we noted before, pay attention to the syntax and sentence structure. You should also consider the flow of the entire essay and how each paragraph is connected to the other and to the main topic. 

You should be ruthless with editing, removing phrases that don’t add value to create a concise and powerful essay. 

Once you have internalized these writing tips, you will be able to write better and faster. And needless to say, the more you write, the better you will be.