The Number of American’s Injured At Work Continues To Rise

work injuries

Every year, employees are injured or killed while at work. From a small workplace accident to a major incident that causes fatal injury, there are thousands of recorded accidents every year in the US. It is an employer’s responsibility to provide a safe working environment and take all necessary steps to avoid accidents and other injuries. 

Research carried out by Robinette Legal Group PLLC has shown the 2020 statistics for fatal work accident statistics for the US and West Virginia. It shows that there were a total of 47 fatal injuries recorded in the state alone. Of these, 89% were men and 70% of those were between the ages of 25 -54. 

Robinette Legal Group specializes in workers’ compensation claims, whether directly on the behalf of those affected or their dependents should the accident prove fatal. 

Their legal team work to secure a financial compensation package. This is calculated based on the severity of the accident, medical bills, loss of earnings, and future costs. 

In West Virginia, this can include the following benefits associated with a compensation claim for employees: 

  • Death
  • Comprehensive medical insurance 
  • Loss of income (up to 66%)
  • Disability benefits. 

If you’re interested to see the published statistics, or how West Virginia stacks up against the rest of the country, then this infographic is a real eye-opener. It breakdown the figures by industry, gender, and age of workers. 

You can view the infographic below or head over to the Robinette website for more information on their workplace accident legal services. 

Infographic Design By Work related deaths in the United States in 2020