DOCTORED REPORTING: Should the Conway Mayor be charged with ethics violations?

David Hucks

If the Conway Mayor Blain Bellamy did not get a $3,500.00 contribution from John Cassidy, where did the donation come from?

Suspicious filings and amendments by Conway Mayor Barbara Blain-Bellamy are likely to cause issues with the S.C. Ethics Commission.

The Conway Mayor lists former District 61 Candidate for S.C. House of Representatives John Cassidy as contributing $3,500 in campaign contributions to her campaign.

John Cassidy is the owner of Duplicates Ink in Conway, S.C. The mayor filed timely. Perhaps she should have taken advantage of the 5 day grace period for filing. Why? Because her campaign report is filled with inaccurate and troubling information.

On her filing, Mayor Bellamy lists Cassidy as contributing to her personally. She also lists him as retired. It is odd that the mayor lists Cassidy as retired because she does her campaign printing with his company.

We reached out to John Cassidy of Duplicates Ink. Said Cassidy, “I have never donated any money nor provided any free printing to any politician.”

Cassidy went on to add, “My company has done printing work for the Bellamy campaign, however.”

Bellamy lists in her expenditures as paying Duplicates Ink a total of $7,000.00

On July 18th, Bellamy records that Cassidy contributed $3,500.00. On that same day, she reports that she spent $7,000.00 with Cassidy’s company Duplicates Ink.

Bellamy reports a loan of $3,500 to herself on that exact same day.

Bellamy has amended her filings 3 times and each amended filing becomes more curious than the first. If Bellamy did not receive the $3,500 from Cassidy, where did it come from?

The central issue here in these ongoing filings is that Cassidy can only give a maximum of $1,000 as a campaign contribution to any one candidate. Giving more than that is illegal.

Lawyer Ralph Wilson also is listed as contributing one thousand twice, once in July, once again in October. If so, Wilson broke the law as well.

That is true for any person contributing to a campaign in S.C.

In all of Bellamy’s amendments to date, this issue is never resolved.


Candidate Disclosure Report Ammendment Bellamy by MyrtleBeachSC news on Scribd

Contribution by John Cassid… by MyrtleBeachSC news

Candidate Disclosure Report… by MyrtleBeachSC news

The Conway Mayor Blain Bellamy has served two terms to date. Early voting has begun with over 700 early voters by this afternoon.

Election day is November 7th.

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