How operatives leverage primaries against conservatives

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David Hucks
David Hucks
David Hucks is a 12th generation descendant of the area we now call Myrtle Beach, S.C. David attended Coastal Carolina University and like most of his family, has never left the area. David is the lead journalist at

When asked to close SC Primaries, the General Assembly turns a deaf ear. The S.C. General Assembly has [on paper] a Republican supermajority.

Why would these Republicans not come together and close the primaries? Truth be told, a larger majority of Republican state legislators, County Councilmen, City Councilmen, and State Senators are Democrats.

Here is how Democrats get elected in S.C. Republican Primaries

Check out this phone call to registered Democrats, that the MyrtleBeachSC News investigative team uncovered during the most recent primaries, held June 11, 2024.

This is exactly how it is done.

  • A hot room is created, where funded “not for profits”, the Democrat Party, or political consultants hire a staff to make the above calls to known Democrat voters.
  • The voter is told the truth. No Democrat is running in this particular primary.
  • Republican candidate ‘X’ is actually one of us Democrats.
  • He is running against a conservative Freedom Caucus member.
  • Please go out and vote for candidate “X”.
  • Bring your Democrat friends and family out with you.

How does Horry County continually elect Democrats like liberal Luke Rankin, Democrat Carla Schuessler, and Myrtle Beach Mayor Brenda Bethune?

It is the same strategy Walter Whetsell, of Starboard Communications Political Consultants, used to drive Democrats to the February primary polls to vote for Nikki Haley against Donald Trump for President.

We have the receipts to show, this is how they do it.

Only 13% voted in the June 11th S.C. Republican primary. The Democrats have now already been picked to be our Republican represenatives in the elections this coming Fall.

This Fall, when many more voters turn out, voting straight Republican ticket, almost half of those elected will be Democrats hiding out in the Republican party.

None of these elected officials want closed primaries and for good reason.

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