Schuessler campaign attacks volunteer

David Hucks

It is campaign season in Horry County. District 61 should expect its share of dirty politics.

This past week, however, Representative Carla Schuessler sent text messages to all District 61 voters attacking a campaign volunteer. She used a non existent, fictitiously named PAC to hide her role in this attack.

*See former Carolina Forest teacher’s response, bottom of article.

The texts worked. Just one day after the texts went out, the volunteer quit. The text was laced with a central lie. This young woman was a volunteer. She is not now, nor has she ever run the Shannon Grady campaign. She is a new mom who recently gave birth. She is just the kind of 20 something that Horry County should support for being civically minded and active in our community.

Malicious attack, central lie = Nasty politics

Attack Text Reads: Does Shannon Grady have any idea who is running her chaotic political campaign?

———, a failed political consultant with a shady past, has made good company with Shannon, a sower of chaos and obstruction with no regard for the law. Together they are poised to run another failure of a campaign. ————-’s Record: ****

On June 11th say NO to the chaos, say NO to Shannon Grady. Paid for by Commonsense Republicans for Liberty & Freedom in South Carolina. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.

**** Because of the text’s salacious and mean spirited nature, we omitted the name of the young volunteer attacked and the horrible things that the Schuessler campaign texted. District 61 voters know exactly what was texted.

The community is upset and in an uproar about Schuessler’s mass text.


Democrat Party Executive Committee Leader Carla Schuessler speaks as Board President of the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce

Carla Schuessler is the former Board President of the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce. The Myrtle Beach Area Chamber gets $54 million annually in tax dollars. Schuessler was a key player in the hiring of its C.E.O. Karen Riordan. MyrtleBeachSC News recently published 6 articles on Riordan’s work bringing illegal aliens in to Horry County. These immigrants now work in the tourism and construction industries. The tourism and construction industries are Riordan’s key members at MBACC. These industries need cheap labor.

As a result of Riordan’s work, Horry County Schools document that 25% of all Horry County Students are do not speak English as a first language. This will soon cost District 61 homeowners hundreds of millions in new taxes. Yet, Schuessler claims that she gets an A+ on illegal immigration.

She and Riordan work in a tight circle. Myrtle Beach Area Chamber Associated PACs are big donors to the Schuessler campaign. Individual MBACC members are large contributors to Schuessler as well. Political Consultant Walter Whetsell is connected to practically all MBACC preferred candidates. He is the Political Consultant for Carla Schuessler.

Schuessler previously headed Horry County Habitat for Humanity. Afterwards, she went to work for former Horry County Democrat Party President, lawyer Gregory McCollum. They served as leaders in the Democrat Party together.

The two were tightly intertwined. Schuessler was a life long party leader in the Horry County Democrat Party. She changed her party affiliation on the drive to the Conway Elections office, the day she registered to run for the District 61 office.


A former Horry County teacher reached out to us concerning the attack on this young volunteer.

In her own words*

“I got the latest text and I’ve had it. I have been holding off on this because I didn’t want to get in the mix. But I can no longer hold back.

So, Shannon Grady is challenging Carla Schuessler for [District 61] State Representative. Carla was voted in last time with all the money/backing from the Chamber (so you already know there is something crooked here).

I have known about how the Schuessler’s play the game, but kept quiet. But she is sending out the dogs attacking Shannon with complete and utter lies. It’s getting sent via text. And it’s disgusting. Carla Schuessler is a vile human being who has no business being in the statehouse. So here’s the tea.

First Carla is and always has been a Democrat. She just switched to Republican last election to get elected. She was a very active member of the Horry County Democrat Party until two years ago. She is a full-fledged RINO. Do not believe her lies.

Second, Carla used to run Habitat for Humanity. There was a family in the Carolina Forest area that was a recipient of a Habitat for Humanity home. They struggled. The kids got in trouble. The family was not angelic by any means. They got behind on their mortgage, but was catching up on it. Carla, as head of H4H, decided to take the house away because of their getting behind (or that was her public excuse).

IRONICALLY, (or not), her oldest son played football at Carolina Forest High School and had been a starter until the son of the H4H home outplayed him and took his starting position. As you can imagine, the Schuesslers’ were not happy. I mean, a kid from this low income family just knocked their son off his pedestal. (BTW – I like the oldest son, so this is not on him…. this is on Carla)

But, by taking the home away from this struggling family and forcing them to find a rental that they could afford (which we all know was not going to be in CF) he would have to change high schools. VOILLA!!!

Magically, Carla’s son got his starting position back. So, instead of trying to work with the family, Carla saw an opportunity to screw them over and help her son.

Ethical? Not even close! Moral? Nope. But Hey, she got her son his starting position back, so there’s that!

NOW, let’s go to Carla’s younger son. When he was in middle school, he and two other boys took a picture of another boy while he was urinating. (Yes – A penis pic.) And it spread all over the internet. The boy was beyond devastated. He was in tears and kept telling me he wanted to kill himself. It was truly heartbreaking.

Well, I turned it over to guidance and administration. The decision was that all 3 would go to alternative school for the remainder of the quarter. The little shits should have been expelled. But the Schuessler’s boy. Nope.

Schuessler hired an attorney and fought the alternative school decision. There were lots of arm twists and threats. And sadly, Scheussler’s son got off.

One of the boys didn’t come from money. His mom couldn’t afford an attorney. So, he was the only boy who had to go to the alternative school.

The Schuessler kid got off scott free. So, Carla taught her son that you can buy your way through life. And, trust me, it’s still happening.

SO, if this is who you want representing you in Columbia (along with other RINOs), vote her in. But she absolutely disgusts me. Plus, she’s a freaking Democrat.

People need to wake up to people like Carla Schuessler. She’s shown that she will do anything for personal power and position and not take responsibility for doing wrong. Is this who you want representing you?”

*MyrtleBeachSC News fact checked this former teacher’s statements. These events did occur as described. We also note that this teacher has not contributed to the Shannon Grady campaign, nor was she paid to send us this letter.

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