6 Firearm Storage Basics Every Owner Needs To Know

Marleny Hucks

One of the most critical aspects of owning firearms is understanding the basics of handling and storing your collection. Proper firearm storage ensures no accidents around the house, as they are safe from the reach of kids and burglars. It also helps reduce instances of gun violence. 

You must understand the correct storage routine for firearms, as you can’t just put them away like any other items. If you’re wondering how to store your collection safely, here are six basics you need to know:

  1. Store Firearms In Secure Places

Gun enthusiasts often face the dilemma of whether to display their gun collection or store them out of reach of children and intruders. Well, showcasing them may not be a good idea, especially in open places such as on top of the fireplace. 

Fortunately, many storage alternatives, such as cabinet storage and wall mounts like AR 15 holder, allow you to display your gun collection while storing them safely. Some of the safe storage alternatives include the following:

  • Gun Safe: This may be the safest way to store your firearms because it’s fireproof and keeps your guns away from unauthorized people. Many gun-safe options have unique features, such as biometrics and radio frequency identification.  
  • Wall Mount: You can also use gun racks and mounts to store your firearm safely on a wall, inside a cabinet, or in a secure gun room. You should install them high enough to be out of your kids’ reach. However, this storage option leaves your gun open and accessible to thieves and unauthorized people. As such, it’s best to combine them with trigger or cable locks. 
  • Steel Gun Cabinet: This is another excellent option for storing your gun collection. It has configuration options and greater storage capacity to keep your firearms and ammo. 

You can consider other storage options, like security boxes, gun cases, and even coffee tables. But not all are ideal, especially when you have a family. 

  1. Unload And Store Firearms And Ammunition Separately

Unloading and cleaning firearms before storage are among the most ignored firearm safety procedures. You must unload your gun before storage or whenever you’re not using it. This means unloading it immediately after you’re done with your target practice or hunting, even when you’re still in the hunting location, to reduce gun accidents due to careless handling. 

Remember to keep the ammunition separately so that unauthorized people can’t load your guns even if they can access them. Preferably, store the ammunition in special ammo boxes, locked containers, or original packaging. Put them in a cool, dry place since moisture may affect their performance. 

  1. Limit Firearm Access

You should limit the number of people accessing your firearms to those with basic training in safe gun handling. It’s one way of ensuring your firearms aren’t used to commit crimes or won’t end up in children’s hands. It’ll also prevent gun accidents. You can use any of the safe storage options mentioned earlier to keep your kids and guns safe.  

  1. Use Cable And Trigger Locks

Cable and trigger locks add an extra layer of protection to your firearms. They prevent unauthorized people from loading them. These locks are designed to block the trigger from being pulled. You can use them alongside wall mounts or gun cases. 

  1. Understand The Laws And Regulations On Firearm Ownership

You must also know and understand the laws and regulations around gun ownership in your local area, as they can vary from state to state. Some states may give specifics on gun storage, like always using gun safes and trigger locks, while others may have lenient regulations that don’t limit you to particular storage options. See to it that you understand the laws in your area for responsible gun ownership and storage.

  1. Educate Your Household

You must teach your family the safety procedures for storing and handling guns. It’s crucial for firearm safety and responsible ownership. It can go a long way to prevent accidents and careless gun fires. It’s also part of compliance with the laws and regulations around gun ownership. 

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From a gun shop window.


When it comes to firearm storage and gun safety, what works for you may differ from what works best for someone else. If you have a family and kids run around the house at all times, it’ll be better to choose more concealed storage options to ensure the guns are far from reach to prevent accidents. Gun ownership also extends to keeping them safe from burglars. Moreover, keep yourself updated about your state’s regulation on responsible gun storage.

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