Alex Kleyner Expanding From Miami to Myrtle Beach with ABK Debt Financing For Real Estate

David Hucks

Construction projects are always costly, so developers need a lot of capital. It’s getting more and more expensive to build here in Myrtle Beach with rising inflation and labor costs. Before new developments can get a certificate of occupancy and be ready for sale or lease, more money will be needed. Unfortunately, traditional financiers, such as banks, credit unions and mortgage companies have become risk averse and aren’t helping the South Carolina developers. 

After all, real estate was always the safest investment option until the bubble burst in 2008. Today, banks want real security for the financing they offer. This is something that some developers do not have. Fortunately, Alex Kleyner a Miami born kid from the 1980’s. He was always intrinsically motivated be a future financier started ABK Capital years ago is planning to expand to the Myrtle Beach, South Carolina area to help with the booming real estate financing scene. This is great news for developers whose projects have stalled due to lack of funding. 

Alex Kleyner & ABK Capital of Miami Bring Senior and Mezzanine Real Estate Financing To Myrtle Beach

Developers with a piece of land they want to develop, but can’t find a bank to finance their project can count on ABK capital and Alex Kleyner for senior secured loan solutions. This is a type of secured financing that’s tied to the title of the land on which the developer wants to develop. While this may be a lucrative investment for ABK Capital, this is not the only thing that motivates Alex Kleyner and the team. ABK Capital is focused on providing affordable financing options to developers who have been turned down by the banks.

ABK Capital finances all kinds of projects regardless of size. Since 2014 shortly after he turned 21, Alex Kleyner created ABK Capital has helped hundreds of clients complete real estate development projects in dozens of US cities and towns. Most of them are in Miami Florida, but ABK Capital has expanded and now serves Delray Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Doral, Ulis, Diana, Brandon, Sarasota, Tampa, Boynton Beach, Jupiter, and Palm Beach, Florida with South Carolina becoming it’s second state to start lending in starting this year.  

Mezzanine Financing Options

In addition to the senior secured financing options, Alex Kleyner & the ABK Capital team will also be offering mezzanine financing options to Myrtle Beach developers. This is meant for developers who have already broken ground and constructed at least the ground floor of the building. Developers who want to close great deals without giving out equity through equity financing can use the mezzanine financing options offered by ABK Capital. No security is often needed for this type of security, so it is a risky investment. That is why banks usually shy away from mezzanine financing. Fortunately, Alex Kleyner ABK Capital is there to offer a solution regardless of the scale of the project. 

Equity Loans

It can be difficult for real estate companies without a proven track record to get equity funding to acquire property. ABK Capital’s mission is to get capital into the right hands within the shortest time possible. This allows real estate companies to improve the potential of a project to make profit quickly. 

About Alex Kleyner

Alex Kleyner is a serial entrepreneur credited with many successful businesses, key among them being ABK Capital. The computer science experts family hails from Canada, but has relocated to Florida, where most of his companies were formed. In addition to co-founding ABK Capital. ABK Capital is growing by leaps and bounds, with an increase in demand for his services all over the country. That is why ABK Capital has ventured into the South Carolina real estate market. Alex Kleyner plans to help developers in Myrtle Beach, SC, secure debt financing quickly to ensure their projects are completed in a timely manner and starts generating income. Alex Kleyner wants a win-win situation for both the client and ABK Capital. 

In addition to the core debt financing options, such as senior secured loan financing, ABK Capital also offers a wide range of other financing options that may be considered unconventional, but they are incredibly helpful. These are simply financing contracts based on a project’s ability to generate income once it’s complete. It can be risky, but the ABK Capital team has perfected the art of analyzing deals before offering funding. Aside from corporate real estate financing (CRE), ABK Capital also offers real estate advisory services to clients to ensure their projects are successful.