Essential Cleaning Tips for Schools

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David Hucks
David Hucks
David Hucks is a 12th generation descendant of the area we now call Myrtle Beach, S.C. David attended Coastal Carolina University and like most of his family, has never left the area. David is the lead journalist at

Whether you’re a teacher, administrator, custodian, or parent of a student attending an in-person school this year; one thing is for sure – COVID-19 has changed the way schools operate. Ensuring that school facilities remain safe and healthy learning environments has been essential during these uncertain times. Keeping classrooms clean and germ-free requires close attention to detail and the implementation of stringent cleaning protocols. To make it easier for everyone involved, we have gathered essential cleaning tips that will help keep your school environment safe and sanitary!

Establish a Cleaning Schedule 

Maintaining cleanliness in our schools has become more important than ever before. Establishing a cleaning schedule that includes regular disinfection of all touchpoints throughout the school can help keep students and staff safe. But where do you start? It’s a daunting task, but with a bit of planning and organization, it’s definitely doable. The first step is to identify all the touchpoints within the school – including door handles, light switches, desks, chairs, and more. 

Creating a comprehensive list can help ensure that no potential hotspots are overlooked. Once you have a list, you can create a plan for how often each touchpoint should be disinfected. Whether it’s daily or weekly, establishing a regular cleaning routine can help reduce the spread of germs and make your school a safer place for everyone. The best practices for cleaning and disinfecting can also be found online. When setting up your cleaning schedule, be sure to follow the guidelines provided by health and safety authorities.

Invest in Quality Cleaning Products 

The products used for cleaning and disinfecting play a crucial role in keeping a school environment safe. Investing in high-quality, EPA-approved cleaning supplies is essential to effectively combat germs and viruses. Make sure to read labels carefully and follow instructions when using these products to ensure proper usage. It’s also important to regularly check expiration dates on cleaning products and replace them as needed, as expired products may not be as effective. Additionally, consider using eco-friendly or sustainable options when possible to reduce exposure to harsh chemicals and promote a healthier environment. In addition to purchasing quality cleaning products, it’s also crucial to properly train staff on how to use them correctly and safely.

Encourage Proper Hand Hygiene 

Hand hygiene is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs and viruses. Encouraging proper handwashing techniques and providing easy access to hand sanitizers throughout the school can greatly reduce the risk of contamination. Consider placing hand sanitizing stations in high-traffic areas such as entrances, hallways, and classrooms. Remind students and staff frequently about the importance of hand hygiene, especially before eating or after using shared surfaces. By promoting good hand hygiene habits, you can help keep your school environment clean and healthy for everyone.

Delegate Tasks 

As a school administrator, you have the responsibility of keeping the school environment clean and organized. But with limited time and resources, you can’t do it alone. The key to success is delegating tasks to your staff members so that everyone contributes to the effort. From the custodians to the teachers, everyone has a role to play in ensuring the school is clean and safe for students. By assigning specific tasks to each staff member, you can ensure that nothing falls through the cracks and that everyone is invested in keeping the school clean. Plus, making everyone a part of the process can foster a sense of pride and ownership in the school, which can lead to a more positive and productive work environment. So don’t hesitate to delegate tasks and get everyone involved in the effort to maintain a clean and healthy school environment.

Follow Through & Monitor Progress 

In order to maintain a clean school environment, it’s important to follow through on the cleaning schedule and protocols that have been established. This means ensuring that all staff members are adhering to their assigned tasks and that cleaning supplies are being used properly. It’s also crucial to monitor progress regularly and make adjustments as needed. If certain areas of the school are consistently overlooked or if there is an increase in illness among students and staff, it may be necessary to reassess and update your cleaning plan accordingly. By following through with regular monitoring, you can help ensure that your school remains a safe and healthy learning environment for everyone.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to keeping your school clean and disinfected. It is critical that you establish a plan of action and ensure that everyone in the school community is taking proactive steps to maintain a clean and healthy environment. Setting up a regular cleaning schedule, gathering necessary supplies, implementing sanitation protocols, delegating tasks among staff members, focusing on high-touch areas, and following through with monitoring progress are all key aspects of successful cleaning efforts. 

Doing so will not only help promote healthier studies but also set the stage for a more connected and successful learning experience. To get started, take some time today to come up with an effective plan with these cleaning tips that work for your school – together we can keep our students safe and give them the opportunity to grow!

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