Facts on 3rd Avenue South LLR Complaint

David Hucks

A complaint was filed in October with S.C. LLR concerning $48,719.00 of work done on 3rd Ave South in Surfside Beach by BNV Builders.

Here are the facts on the matter:


  1. The complaint concerns issues with whom the check was made out to. The bid was put in by BNV Builders,  but the check was made out to Mr. Home Expert, LLC.
  2. No permits for the work were issued by the city.
  3. BNV Builders was the sole bidder on the work.
  4. The owner of BNV Builders was also a business partner with Town Councilman David Pellegrino in Beach Boyz Auto Repair.


  1. Records obtained by MyrtleBeachSC news show that Mr. Home Expert, LLC is a DBA [doing business as] BNV BUILDERS  (see documents below)
  2. In fact, no permits were issued by the city per a letter sent from Planning and Zoning Director Sabrina Morris to S.C. LLR.
  3. BNV Builders was the sole bidder on the work,  however, it is not uncommon for a small town like Surfside Beach to experience receiving only one bidder on any given project.
  4. The owner of BNV Builders,  Bradley Sweeney, had previously been a partner with Town Councilman David Pellegrino until January 2019.  In an email sent to MyrtleBeachSC news,  Mr. Pellegrino stated that he bought Mr. Sweeney out of Beach Boyz Auto Repair in January 2019.   This buyout occurred 3 months prior to the bid put in by BNV Builders.  Councilman Pellegrino never had any ownership in BNV Builders.

Records show Sweeney was a qualified professional licensed to do the work bid on for 3rd Avenue South.

See the underlying documentation uploaded below to SCRIBD.



Sweeney Qualifications by David Hucks on Scribd