According to MyrtleBeachSC News sources, Horry County Schools Superintendent Rick Maxey plans to retire at the end of June, following a controversy with Horry County School Board Member Debbie Edmunds.
MyrtleBeachSC News received a call from a member associated with the board last week informally making our news team aware that Dr. Rick Maxey notified the entire board on April 15th at last week’s Horry County School board meeting.
Former School Board President Ken Richardson was honored at the Horry County School Board meeting for being appointed by Governor McMaster to represent the 15th Circuit South Carolina Board of Education.
We received the letter Maxey sent to the board directly from a source at Horry County Schools. The letter read: It has been an incredible journey that has given me the opportunity to have a positive impact on students and to develop lifelong friendships that I will always treasure, Maxey said in his letter to the board. In the Bible, it is stated that everything comes with a season, and for me, it is time to leave Horry County Schools.
Rick Maxey wrote that he wants to retire at the end of this fiscal year – June 30, 2024 but would stay until Dec. 31 to ensure a smooth transition.
School Board President David Cox stated that he hoped something could be resolved and that Dr. Rick Maxey would remain. However, he did state it was the Board’s decision.
Dr. Rick Maxey and one key member of the board have been at odds, since a news story published by WMBF entitled: Emails reveal HCS refused offers to buy weapons detection system for schools aired locally on March 12th.
The school board worked around Dr. Rick Maxey as the district’s security department was voted out, by a vote of no confidence, by the school board. Hiring and firing authority falls under the duties assigned to the Horry County Schools’ Superintendent. Legal concerns as to whether the HCS Board could make such a decision are unclear.
This after a student brought a gun inside the Myrtle Beach Middle School this past Spring. S.C. Representative Case Brittain’s children attend the school. Brittain spoke out about his disappointment on the matter. Although no one was injured during the incident, an entirely new and expensive overhaul was demanded by Brittain and other parents.
Upon announcing his retirement, Dr. Rick Maxey wrote, “I am grateful to have been able to live and serve in Horry County for so many years.” “I will continue to treasure every encounter with our board, students, faculty, staff, and community members. In the future, I am confident that you will work together to make our school system even more successful.”
Horry County Schools is the largest employer in the county.
Dr. Rick Maxey’s contract
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