For the second year in a row, FEEDSPOT ranks MyrtleBeachSC News the top news outlet in the Horry County region for 2024. MyrtleBeachSC News was previously ranked top news outlet in 2023 as well.
Feedspot’s News Organization Ranking is a comprehensive evaluation of news organizations based on various factors such as website traffic, social media presence, content quality, consistency, authority, and reputation.
Factors influencing news organization ranking
There are several factors that influence the ranking of news organizations on Feedspot. These include website traffic, social media presence, content quality and consistency, authority, and reputation.

“Feedspot has become what the Nielson ratings once were for news organizations,” said David Hucks, Publisher. “We are thrilled once again that Feedspot ranks MyrtleBeachSC News as the number one news outlet in our area.”
Website Traffic and Engagement Metrics
Website traffic and engagement metrics play a crucial role in determining the rank of news organizations on Feedspot. These metrics provide insights into the popularity and reach of a news website, indicating its ability to attract and engage readers.
Where other local news outlets ranked

Importance of website traffic and engagement
Website traffic and engagement are crucial indicators of a news organization’s popularity and reach. Higher website traffic signifies a larger audience, while increased engagement suggests that readers find the content valuable and compelling. These metrics play a significant role in determining the rank of news organizations on Feedspot.
How Feedspot uses metrics to rank news organizations
Feedspot uses a combination of website traffic and engagement metrics to rank news organizations. These metrics include the number of unique visitors, pageviews, average time spent on the website, bounce rate, and social media shares.
Authority and Reputation
Authority and reputation play a significant role in the ranking of news organizations on Feedspot. News outlets with a strong reputation for accurate and reliable reporting are ranked higher.
Social Media Presence and Influence
Social media plays a crucial role in determining the rank of news organizations on Feedspot. The presence and influence of a news organization on platforms like X [formerly Twitter], Facebook, and LinkedIn are evaluated to gauge its reach and impact on the audience.
Content Quality and Consistency
Content quality and consistency play a crucial role in determining the rank of news organizations on Feedspot. The platform evaluates the quality of content based on criteria such as accuracy, depth, relevance, and originality. Consistency in news publication is also considered, ensuring that organizations consistently produce reliable and timely content.
Criteria for determining content quality
When evaluating content quality, Feedspot looks at factors such as accuracy, depth, relevance, and originality. Engaging and concise content that provides valuable information to readers is key in determining the rank of news organizations on the platform.
Evaluation of social media influence by Feedspot
A strong social media presence can significantly impact a news organization’s ranking on Feedspot. The more active and influential a news organization is on platforms like X [formerly Twitter], Facebook, and LinkedIn, the higher its chances of ranking higher.
Impact of social media presence on ranking
Feedspot evaluates the social media influence of news organizations based on factors such as the number of followers, engagement rates, and the impact of their content.
How Feedspot assesses consistency in news publication
Feedspot assesses consistency in news publication by looking at factors such as the frequency of updates and the regularity of posting. News organizations that consistently provide engaging and concise content are ranked higher on the platform.
How Feedspot measures reputation of news organizations
Feedspot measures the reputation of news organizations by taking into account several factors, including the awards and recognition they have received, their credibility in the industry, and feedback from readers and other experts.