How to Choose the Perfect Fountain for Your Garden: 6 Key Tips

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Marleny Hucks
Marleny Hucks
Marlene (or Marleny as she is known in Spanish) is a mentor, teacher, cross-cultural trainer, storyteller, writer, and for those who have been under her leadership or simply sat across the table from her, she is a mirror of destiny. Her love of word and image were formed early on by one of her heroes, Dr. Seuss. If you asked those who know her well, they would describe her a compassionate, funny, wise, curious, honest, real, strong, sensitive and totally human which comes out as she teaches and writes. She sees all of life, even the most mundane, through faith and believes that who we become as we live this side of the veil is what matters not the journey itself or our circumstances. Marleny Hucks has spent her life crossing bridges. She comes from a diverse background of ministry roles and contexts as well as has transitioned in and out of the business world. Having lived outside the country as well as traveled extensively she has a fascination with culture causes her to live her life within a global mosaic no matter where her feet are planted. Marlene currently lives in South Carolina with her husband David, who owns a news company but who she says is a “crime fighter”, bringing light into darkness in their systems of their city. Marleny currently works as a content management specialist covering Myrtle Beach News for MyrtleBeachSC News.

Water fountains enhance the appearance of your outdoor space. If your garden is missing something, it’s a fountain. A fountain may beautify a garden and transform a dull spot. You can choose from several colors, styles, prices, and materials. Fortunately, there are a lot of different fountains to select from, so here are some tips.

  1. Materials Used

Cast stone, copper, fiberglass, GFRC, stainless steel, bamboo, resin, and granite, are just some of the material choices available. Individual taste is the sole determining factor. When you are shopping for a concrete water fountain, you should consider the ones made from the strongest cast stones. The strength of these cast stones varies. They give your fountain a more natural, stylish, ancient look. Copper’s flexibility and classiness make it a valuable material. It is the high-strength glass finish that gives these fountains made of glass fiber reinforced concrete their fame. If they are made well, these materials also offer longevity. 

Polystone fountains, on the other hand, give your fountain a look that is similar to that of concrete. In this way, all of the fountain varieties are useful in their own ways. The one that lasts the longest and looks the nicest is the one you should choose every time. Since fountains tend to grow algae on their bodies if they aren’t regularly cleaned, this will make upkeep much simpler.

  1. Location of the Fountain

In addition to selecting a fountain, planning its eventual location is crucial. The reason is outdoor fountains benefit from a wide field of view, while indoor; fountains are best suited to low visibility. People think about high visibility if they have kids at home since it deters others from playing in the fountain. In addition, the reservoir should be close to the water supply so that it may be conveniently refilled when the water evaporates. When shopping for fountains, it’s also crucial to think about where you’d like to put them so that it doesn’t get lost in the background. When deciding where to put the fountain, it’s important to think about these factors. 

  1. Understanding of the Structure

When it comes to the anatomy of the fountain, there are five components that fit together like puzzle pieces. After gaining a grasp of the anatomy of a fountain, you will be able to extract the maximum benefits from using one. The water distribution, the tiers, the water tubing, the water reservoir, the color, and the finish of the fountain are the components that make up the overall look. 

In addition to this, you need to have a solid comprehension of the process of aerating water in order for the body of water to maintain its good health. The channel via which the water is being released is uniformly filled with water by the water that is circulating through the fountain. The tiers are comprised of a progression of water depths that can be traversed. 

Water tubing is the component that is responsible for making the connection between the pump and the distribution channel. The water is kept in a reservoir, which is also the name of the location. Consequently, while you are selecting the fountain for your pond, you ought to have a solid understanding of its anatomy in your thoughts. In the event that you don’t, you won’t be able to locate the most suitable option.

  1. Style 

Tiered fountains, wall fountains, solar fountains, poor surround fountains, pedestal fountains, animal fountains, human fountains, spherical fountains, waterfall fountains, bowl fountains, disappearing fountains, etc., can all be found in stores. A plethora of different fountains may be overwhelming at first. 

If you’re ordering one for your yard, though, it’s only logical to want a pool around it so you can keep fish and other aquatic pets. In that case, this is a great option to consider if you wish to welcome aquatic creatures inside your fountain. Think about how people will move around your home and how the atmosphere will change when they arrive if you enjoy hosting parties. Consideration of background noise is also required. There are many different types of fountains available, so it’s important to select one that serves your intended purpose, whether that’s to provide atmosphere or to mask distracting noises like traffic.

  1. The Weight of the Fountain

When looking for a garden fountain, it’s also crucial to consider how heavy it will be. If you plan to install the fountain in your garden, you should consider its portability before making a purchase. To put it simply, if you buy a heavy fountain, you will have a hard time moving it around. 

As a result, when shopping for a fountain, keep its weight in mind. The right pond fountain can make all the difference in the world for your yard. The fountain’s spray can be affected by its placement. As such, this is a crucial consideration to make. If so, you should look into fiberglass fountains, which are easier to move. Keep in mind that patios made of wood are not as sturdy as concrete ones. If you know the number of inches across the base and divide that number by the number of inches in a foot, you can figure out how much weight is distributed across a square foot. 

From this, you can calculate the footprint. The weight per square foot can be calculated by taking the total weight of the fountain and dividing it by the diameter of its base in inches. A vital step before placing an order is figuring out if your patio or deck can adequately withstand the weight of the fountain you’ve settled on.

  1. Convenient Upkeep

If you’re in the market for a fountain, keep upkeep in mind. If not, you may have to spend a significant amount of time each week cleaning the fountain. Read the instructions carefully to learn how often servicing must be performed. Keep the water levels in mind as well. The pump will be damaged if the fountain dries up. The buildup of white scale can also be avoided by using water treatment on a regular basis. In order to keep the fountain clean and free of dust and grime, you need clean it often.


The fountain’s splash should be considered. Fountains splash outside their barrier to some extent. The walking surface may become slippery if the water lands on a patio. If you want minimum splash, use urn fountains that bubble and flow down the sides instead of multi-tiered fountains. Flow restrictors on fountain tubing reduce water flow to the pump. Keep in mind your initial goals. When you do this, you will have the perfect fountain Fountain for your garden that will aid in your relaxation.

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