The measure allows local police, who will now attend those meetings, to remove or, potentially arrest those addressing the council or any committee when officials, who are holding those meetings, find the commenter confrontational

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David Hucks
David Hucks
David Hucks is a 12th generation descendant of the area we now call Myrtle Beach, S.C. David attended Coastal Carolina University and like most of his family, has never left the area. David is the lead journalist at

On Tuesday, February 27th, Myrtle Beach City Council took a first reading on an action that could restrict and put a chill on resident comments made at both Myrtle Beach City Council, as well as,  other city committee meetings.

The measure allows local police, who will now attend those meetings, to remove or, potentially arrest those addressing the council or any committee when officials, who are holding those meetings, find the com-mentor confrontational.  The measure did not define the rules by which the commenter could be legally determined confrontational.

This measure also eliminates input from outside of city limits speakers, who are only allowed to speak at such meetings after all city merchants and residents have spoken and, then, only at the discretion of Myrtle Beach City Council.

The first reading passed, with only City Councilman Phil Render speaking and voting against the measure, as can be heard above.

Several controversial measures are just before Myrtle Beach City Council at this time. Two measure are expected to get strong local input,  including extending a $200 million tax subsidy to the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber, and installing barricades along Ocean Boulevard Summer 2018.

MBACC tourism numbers have been questioned by locals and the SCPRT.

In a poll taken by, the barricades are opposed by 93% of locals and merchants.  The barricades are also opposed by 78% of tourists.

Locals Oppose Barricades
93% Of Locals Polled Oppose Barricades
78% of Tourists Polled Oppose Barricades Summer 2018



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