Principal & teacher arrested. Teacher for disciplining special needs child. Principal for not reporting to DSS

David Hucks

Ocean Bay Elementary Principal Rebecca Schroyer has been arrested by Horry County Police for not reporting the discipline of a special needs child to the Department of Social Services.

A special needs teacher has also been arrested for disciplining the child.

Grace McColgan, a special education teacher at Ocean Bay Elementary, was arrested by the Horry County Police Dept. and charged with unlawful conduct toward a child stemming from the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years, according to Lisa Bourcier with Horry County Schools.

Grace McGolgan
Grace McColgan

Bourcier said McColgan was placed on administrative leave on Oct. 11 and was employed with Horry County School since Aug. 2020.

Ocean Bay Elementary is a 2019 U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School. It is considered one of the best schools in Horry County.

Rebecca Schroyer

Schroyer is among the most be-loved and respected principals in the Carolina Forest community. Schroyer was placed on administrative leave on Nov. 1 pending the outcome of the investigation. The arrest was a shock to all local residents, many of whom stated it was over-reach.

Ms. Schroyer is being represented by local Attorney Morgan Martin.

Ms. Schroyer has no record of any previous arrests… not even a parking ticket.

The school’s website points out: Mrs. Schroyer has been part of the Ocean Bay Elementary School family since 2009 and has served as an educator in the Carolina Forest community since 2001. She was named the principal of Ocean Bay Elementary in 2016 after serving as assistant principal at OBE for seven years and Carolina Forest Elementary for two years. Prior to Mrs. Schroyer’s ten years of experience as a school administrator, she taught for six years as a fifth grade teacher, as well as a teacher of the gifted and talented.  She earned her Bachelor’s in Elementary Education from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan and a Master’s in Educational Leadership and Policies from the University of South Carolina. In 2006 she was honored for her hard work and dedication by being named as a top ten Teacher of the Year for Horry County Schools.

Mrs. Schroyer resides in Carolina Forest with her husband and their triplet sons. She and her family attend Beach Church and are active members in the community. Living and teaching within her own community demonstrates her commitment and dedication to continue her leadership service with Ocean Bay Elementary.

Schroyer is considered among the top principals in the State of South Carolina.

Mark Porter, the Executive Director for Elementary Schools will provide oversight for Ocean Bay Elementary during this interim time period wrote Bourcier.

Mr. Porter is an experienced school leader who has served for over fifteen years as a former principal and eight years as a district administrator with Horry County Schools.

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