Many people think of boredom and monotonousness when they hear the word ‘routine.’ It strikes them as something rather useless. But in reality, having a routine can help students stay organized and manage their time effectively. It can also help reduce stress and improve their overall well-being.
There are multiple reasons for it. Our brains are hard-wired to simplify their tasks as much as possible. The brain likes habits. It doesn’t have to spend energy on the task if it has been done a million times before – that’s what the neural pathways are for. They remember the things we do, and the more we do something, the wider the neural pathway becomes. That means the brain doesn’t need to pay attention to that action.
Have you ever noticed how you washed the dishes without paying any mind to it? That’s it.
This way, if you repeat a certain task every day at the same time, your brain will train for it. If you study every day at 11 AM, after a few sessions, your brain will get into productive mode at that time. Even better if you study in the same location – your brain will associate all the things around you with productivity. Even if you’re a bit late on the task and want to use college essay writing services this time, do it in the same location to not break the pattern.
Now, what are the other benefits of having a well-structured routine for students?
Time Management
As tired as you might be from these words, being able to manage your time wisely can change your life. And a routine is one of the vital factors that go into it.
You can try starting small. Set up a morning routine. Wake up at the same time every day, make your bed, brush your teeth, make breakfast (it doesn’t have to be the same thing over and over), and maybe read the news while you eat.
Doing the same thing every morning will help you find out exactly how much time you need to leave the house. This, in turn, will make sure that you’re never late again.
Also, having a well-established morning routine can trigger a chain reaction. If you wake up to dirty dishes in the kitchen, your morning rituals will have to shift. Hence, washing the dishes before bed might be the first step in your night-time routine.

Sense of Purpose
Have you ever noticed that you wake up with more ease if you have plans for that day? Or vice-versa, you can’t seem to get yourself out of bed and end up sleeping for ten or more hours when you have nothing to wake up to? This is common and can be explained with a sense of purpose. If you struggle with it in your daily life, a routine will be extremely helpful.
Planning for the next day, the day before, or scheduling your week can make you feel busy (in a good way) even if you’re actually not. Writing down simple tasks, like washing up, doing laundry, and submitting homework, will bring you a feeling of belonging. Small goals like that will also lead to a sense of accomplishment and improve your self-esteem.
Reduce Stress and Anxiety
The lack of structure and predictability are the main factors when it comes to anxiety and stress. More of the former equals more of the latter. But that also works the other way around. Having a routine will bring more structure to your life, hence, reduce stress.
One thing to remember, though, is you need to plan for the unplannable. This is not to say you need to include anxiety attacks in your daily routine. But leaving some spare time every day will help you avoid the extra pressure. Unexpected things will inevitably happen. They can either ruin your daily plan or fit into it snugly.
Better sleep is another consequence of less stress and better planning. Many students struggle with sleep due to anxiety. And unless you have a clinical case of insomnia, a routine can be an easy fix. With more structure to your days, you can go to sleep with a sense of accomplishment, less anxiety, and with excitement for the next day. This will help you fall asleep faster and sleep tighter.
How to Stick to a Routine?
Sure, following a routine can be challenging, especially if your life is hectic and filled with unexpected events. But there are some tactics that can help you plan your life in a more efficient way.
Make a Plan
Obviously, you can’t plan your days without an actual plan. Writing your tasks down, with clear time-frames, will help you stick to what you want to do. If you can’t seem to make yourself do something important, write down why you need to do it next to the task and come up with a reward system.
Be Realistic
You won’t stick to a plan that includes climbing Everest in one week. That’s called ‘setting yourself up for failure.’ Take into account how much you normally do throughout the day, and don’t exceed it. Start with a morning or evening routine, leaving some of your day unplanned. That may help you get into the flow easier as you will eventually want to plan the rest, too.
Give Yourself Time
Having some flexibility in your schedule is what will lead you to success in the long run. You never know when you’ll get sick, or your long-distance friend will want to crash on your couch. Leaving some room in your schedule will make sure you don’t get stressed over not following the plan to the dot.
Get Support
A planning app or a friend that is also enthusiastic about getting their life in order will help you stay on track. Having a reward system for achieving small goals or completing hard tasks will keep you motivated to continue. We’re not so different from dogs, after all.
Wrapping Up
Having a routine can greatly benefit students by helping them stay organized, manage their time effectively, reduce stress, and improve their overall well-being. Our brains are hard-wired to simplify tasks, so when a certain task is repeated every day at the same time, our brain gets used to it.
This can help with time management, as well as provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Additionally, a routine can help reduce stress and anxiety by providing structure and predictability.
To stick to a routine, start small and plan for the unplannable by leaving some spare time in your schedule. Overall, incorporating a routine into a student’s daily life can lead to a more productive, less stressful, and more fulfilling experience.