The S.C. General Assembly rejected Bromell Holmes run for the Seat 9 Court of Appeals Judgeship. This, even after, Murrells Inlet/Georgetown S.C. Representative Lee Hewitt made an all out last minute blitz to get Holmes selected.
Instead, the S.C Senate and House chose a much more qualified Judge Matthew P. Turner of Laurens. Turner is considered a fair minded conservative, much more in line with the residents of South Carolina.
Bromell Holmes entered the selection process with 19 certified ballot box complaints against her. MyrtleBeachSC News documented the ongoing family court controversies surrounding Holmes over the past 5 years. We covered the 19 ballot box complaints as part of our ongoing investigations into her.
Conservatives, state-wide, saw the aggressive efforts by Representative Lee Hewitt as an affront on judicial integrity.
S.C. Rep. Lee Hewitt is currently running unopposed this cycle. However, activists across the state profess they will spend whatever amount of money necessary to ensure he does not return to Columbia in 2026. They inform us Hewitt will be primaried by a candidate more in line with the state’s values.
Hewitt hails from a Georgetown County district which tends to lean more liberal than the state as a whole.
The final vote showed Horry County Representatives Case Brittain and Heather Ammons Crawford voting for Holmes. Senators Goldfinch, Rankin, and Hembree all voted against her.