Myrtle Beach locals say NO to John Krajc re-election

David Hucks

Should Myrtle Beach City Councilman John Krajc and Debbie Conner end up in a run-off, Myrtle Beach Mayor Brenda Bethune must make a choice.

Cross Dressing Myrtle Beach City Councilman John Krajc is finding a lot of pushback from a local group calling itself “Citizens Supporting Local Government that Works.”

Cross Dressing Councilman John Krajc

MyrtleBeachSC News could find little on the group as it uses a P.O. Box as its mailing address.

However, a member of the group calling himself Owen reached out to us.

Myrtle Beach Transgender Activist Mayor Brenda Bethune is supporting Krajc, Mike Chestnut and Debbie Conner for Myrtle Beach City Council.

As of this morning, only 130 people voted early from the City of Myrtle Beach. The election is one week from today.

The Myrtle Beach City Council job pays $15,000 annually with a $5,000 automobile allowance, yet Krajic has managed to raise $82,000 in his campaign account with the help of Mayor Brenda Bethune and business associates.

Transgender Activist Mayor Bethune candidates
In opposition to City Manager’s proclamation, Mayor Brenda Bethune does mailers for Chestnut, Krajc, and Conner

It is very likely that viable candidates including Myra Starnes, Bill McClure, and Randall Wallace will force a run off this election cycle.

Should John Krajc and Debbie Conner end up in a run-off, Myrtle Beach Mayor Brenda Bethune must make a choice. It will be curious to see which one of the two candidates Mayor Brenda Bethune will throw under the bus, should a runoff occur. Debbie Conner’s husband, Tracy, is on the board of the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce.

Brenda Bethune debbie


The Anonymous email sent from Owen accurately states: [We spent 10 days fact checking it]

Writes Owen – Jeff Skelley, CEO of Surfworks, co-hosted a John Krajc re-election campaign fundraiser on 9/17/23 at a local brewery and Myrtle Beach Mayor Brenda Bethune actually posts a picture of the host committee sponsorship board to her personal Facebook page on the same day and references the event she attended.

John Krajc posts on his candidate Facebook page on 9/18/23 referencing the fundraiser the day prior and thanks his host committee for helping sponsor the event.

Timing for the hosting of Krajc’s fundraiser was spot on for Skelley as he and his Surfworks investors were supposed to close on the land deal with the City on 10/9/23, but Surfworks to date has been unable to find adequate lending for the project.

On 9/26/23, Council considered Ordinance 2023-44 in a first reading which (after amendment by Council) provides Surfworks an extension until 4/30/24 to secure financing for their project and also increased their required earnest money deposit from $150,000 to $300,000. Council actually went against City Staff here. City Staff recommended an extension to just 1/31/24 and City Staff wanted the deposit increased to $400,000. Instead of recusing himself, you will see in the minutes that on 9/26/23 John Krajc actually moves the motion forward himself and votes yes to give Surfworks until 4/30/24 to secure funding and require the deposit to increase to just $300,000.

All of this happens just 9 days after Jeff Skelley co-hosts and sponsors the John Krajc re-election fundraiser at Tidal Creek Brewhouse.

John Krajc
Facebook post by Myrtle Beach Mayor Brenda Bethune

On 10/4/23, Skelley co-hosts another re-election fundraiser for Krajc at Thomas Davis Island Fox Art Gallery (pics attached to confirm all of this information). On 10/10/23, Council and the Mayor did a final reading of Ordinance 2023-44 where Myrtle Beach City Council and the Mayor voted yes. This happens just 6 days after the 10/4/23 re-election fundraiser co-hosted by Jeff Skelley. Krajc did not take part in the final vote on 10/10/23. He was not available for the final reading on 10/10/23 according to the minutes.

Art Gallery Fundraiser Krajc Oct 4 2023

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