A Santee Cooper Board member, appointed by Senator Luke Rankin has land ties with the senator. The two are, in fact, business partners.
Columbus Farms Realty Holdings, LLC is a business owned by both Singleton and Rankin.
Singleton was initially placed on the Santee Cooper Board in 2011 by Rankin’s team.
Professional Experience and Training
On his political disclosure forms, Senator Rankin names himself as a 50% owner of Columbus Farms Realty Holdings, LLC.
Land owned by Columbus Farms Holdings Realty LLC appears in the path of future Highway 31 as it is projected to be built in NC
Mr. Singleton is a former board member of the CEF [Coastal Education Foundation].
We continue to report on the connections between the Coastal Education Foundation and highway road tax recipients.
As we reported yesterday, Singleton built Belle Terre Golf Course directly in the path of S.C. 31. He did this after the path of the road was approved, yet more than 5 years before the land was purchased with RIDE (Road Improvement Development Effort) Horry County taxes dollars.
To see the tax map of Columbus Farms Realty Holdings, LLC click here