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These 6 Health Benefits Will Convince You to Play Golf

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Marleny Hucks
Marleny Huckshttp://MyrtleBeachSC.com
Marlene (or Marleny as she is known in Spanish) is a mentor, teacher, cross-cultural trainer, storyteller, writer, and for those who have been under her leadership or simply sat across the table from her, she is a mirror of destiny. Her love of word and image were formed early on by one of her heroes, Dr. Seuss. If you asked those who know her well, they would describe her a compassionate, funny, wise, curious, honest, real, strong, sensitive and totally human which comes out as she teaches and writes. She sees all of life, even the most mundane, through faith and believes that who we become as we live this side of the veil is what matters not the journey itself or our circumstances. Marleny Hucks has spent her life crossing bridges. She comes from a diverse background of ministry roles and contexts as well as has transitioned in and out of the business world. Having lived outside the country as well as traveled extensively she has a fascination with culture causes her to live her life within a global mosaic no matter where her feet are planted. Marlene currently lives in South Carolina with her husband David, who owns a news company but who she says is a “crime fighter”, bringing light into darkness in their systems of their city. Marleny currently works as a content management specialist covering Myrtle Beach News for MyrtleBeachSC News.

You may be wondering how playing golf can possibly be beneficial to your health. After all, it doesn’t seem like a very active sport. However, there are actually several ways in which golf can improve your physical and mental wellbeing. This article will explain how playing golf can be good for your health. So let’s get started.

  1. Helps In Burning Calories

When you’re out on the golf course, you may not feel like you’re getting a workout. But believe it or not, golf can be a great way to burn calories and get some exercise. First of all, walking the course is a great way to get your heart rate up. And if you’re carrying your own clubs, that’s even better. You’ll also use muscles in your arms and legs as you swing, adding to the calorie burn. And those 18 holes can add up – according to one estimate, and a 155-pound person can burn more than 300 calories by playing just 9 holes of golf. So, next time you head to the golf course, remember that you’re not just burning calories – you’re also getting a great workout.

  1. Improves Your Sleep

It turns out that playing golf can have a surprising impact on sleep. For one thing, it gets you out in the fresh air and sunshine, which can help to regulate your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. The moderate exercise that comes with playing golf can help to tire out your body, making it easier to fall asleep. Additionally, golf requires focus and concentration, which can help to quiet a busy mind and promote relaxation. If you’re struggling to get some shut-eye, consider heading to the golf course for a peaceful game under the stars. It just might be the key to a good night’s rest.

  1. Improves Cardiovascular Health

Playing golf can also be good for your cardiovascular health. The game requires you to walk – often for several miles at a time. This means that you’re getting in some good cardio, which is great for your heart. In addition, walking also helps to improve your balance and coordination. Golf also requires you to swing a club with some force. This helps to strengthen the muscles in your arms and shoulders. Strong muscles help to pump blood more efficiently throughout your body, which is, again, good for your heart. Finally, golf is a low-impact sport. This means that it’s easy on your joints and bones, and doesn’t put too much strain on your cardiovascular system. As a result, it’s a great option for people of all ages and fitness levels who are looking to improve their heart health.

  1. Improves Hand-Eye Coordination

Golf is a sport that requires precision and accuracy. In order to land the ball where you want it, you need to have good hand-eye coordination. This is why playing golf can actually help improve your coordination. When you swing the club, you need to evaluate the distances with the help of the best launch monitors and make tiny adjustments in order to make a successful shot. This repeated practice can help train your brain to better process visual information and react accordingly. As a result, you may find that your coordination improves not just on the golf course, but in other areas of your life as well. 

  1. Sun Exposure 

You probably already know that playing golf is good for your health. But did you know that one of the health benefits of playing golf is that it helps in absorbing vitamin D through sun exposure? Vitamin D is essential for bone and teeth health, as well as for immune system function. And while you can get vitamin D from certain foods, such as fatty fish and fortified milk, the best way to get this important nutrient is through sun exposure. So, next time you head out to the golf course, remember that you’re not just getting some exercise – you’re also getting a healthy dose of vitamin D!

  1. Enhances Brain Health

As you get older, it’s important to do activities that help keep your brain healthy and functioning at its best. Playing golf is a great way to do just that. Research has shown that golf can help improve brain health in a number of ways. For one, it can help to improve cognitive function. Golf requires you to think strategically and plan ahead, which can help to keep your mind sharp. In addition, golf also helps to improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. As a result, playing golf can help you stay mentally sharp as you age. 

Now you know that golf isn’t just a great way to get some exercise and fresh air, it actually has some surprising health benefits. So next time you hit the greens, remember that you’re doing more than just playing a game—you’re also giving your health a boost!

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