An incredible Carolina Forest cat rescue story

David Hucks

Monique Woodrow lives in Carolina Forest. Her sister, Noelle Woodrow Datta, reached out to MyrtleBeachSC News with such an inspiring story.

Six months ago, Monique adopted a cat, Chloe, as its previous owner had died. Chloe is 14 years old.

Monique left the second floor patio door to her house open, not expecting the cat to jump. Monique’s “lion cut maned” Chole jumped off her second story patio and was lost for almost two weeks. Said Monique, “I was concerned with her being out there so long.

Writes her sister Noelle: We saw a post that a local woman, Cindy Raymond, who cares for feral cats in the Carolina Forest area had seen Monique’s cat at a nearby gas station.

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I live outside of Philadelphia, and had been scrolling through the lost pet groups on Facebook and saw the post she made.

We google searched this woman’s number, contacted her – and she spent so much of her own time to trap my sister’s cat for her. It was just such an act of kindness. It’s wonderful that there are still good people in the world willing to help strangers and animals alike.

Chloe, resting at home once again

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Cindy Raymond does TNRs in Carolina Forest. TNRs are Trap, Neuter, and Release. Cindy is in her 34th year of doing this.

Cindy moved to the Myrtle Beach area in 2013. Cindy feeds feral cats through covered feeding stations that she builds and provides. The cats are fed daily once they are neutered. She and two helpers personally feed them daily. Cindy says all of her colonies in Carolina Forest are fixed (neutered). Cindy pays for all of the below out of her own pocket.

Cindy takes care of her mother, who is ill. She does not work and also lives in Carolina Forest. She has two other helpers who assist with the feeders that feed the colonies when Cindy goes on vacation or when she can’t get out.

One of Cindy’s feeders went out and took a picture of a cat with a lion cut mane. She sent the picture to Cindy. Cindy posted it on a Facebook group page asking if this was anybody’s lost cat.

Noelle Datta, Monique’s sister responded to that post. Noelle lives in Pennsylvania.

She told Cindy this was her sister’s cat, Chloe.

Cindy then went out at 5:30 p.m. same day and got on the ground at the gas station with a flashlight. She set two traps staying six and a half hours waiting.

Cindy could see Chloe, but the cat would not come out to the trap. Cindy began to shake the bushes to encourage the cat to come forward.

At 2 a.m. in the morning, Chloe was finally in the trap.

Cindy says she could tell that Monique’s cat is an inside cat and that Chloe had not previously been outside for long periods of time.

Cindy reached out to Monique and this happy cat owner went to the trap’s location and re-united with her beloved family pet.

There are not enough words to say thank you to Cindy. Honest to God, I would not have gotten Chloe back without Cindy’s help,” said Monique.

If you would like to help Cindy Raymond in providing food for cats in Carolina Forest, you can message her on Facebook or you can buy pet food for her feeders from Walmart here.


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