Judge Dismisses Guardian Ad Litem’s odd request against local mother

David Hucks

The Honorable Judge Timothy H. Pogue dismissed the motion of local attorney and Guardian Ad Litem Sandye Hicks. Hicks filed an emergency motion asking the court require a local mother to hire an “adult” Guardian Ad Litem.

Hicks made the request, claiming the mother was unstable because of the tremendous anxiety she was under. The mother denied those claims in court yesterday.

Oddly, Hicks presented no psychological expert, medical witness, nor any medical witness’ statements as she made her emergency request.

Hicks brought before the court that this self-represented mother was “mentally incompetent” and opposing counsel. Lawyer Hayes Stanton, chimed in and called the mother “delusional” in a public court room in front of many witnesses.

The Judge found those claims and narratives to be unfounded. The GAL (guardian ad litem) was informed that this mother filed a return motion correctly.

There was no basis to slander this mother and defame her in court. This mother is fighting for custody of her children to protect them from any further harm being done.

Hicks is the court mandated and legally provided Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) for the children of this mother. The mother has been unable to have visitation for a year, as Hicks stated in court, she was operating under a “supposed” precedent set by the couple when they first separated. In those early, initial months of separation, Hicks claimed the children stayed in the home of the father. However, the mother reached out to us stating that prior to the separation she had primary custody of the children and the father had supervised visitation.

The court has no evidence that the mother is unfit in any way, however, the precedent has been enforced for one year.

Judge Buchanan previously threw out the marriage settlement agreement, informing the court that the marriage agreement was so unconscionable it could not be enforced by law. The mother was represented by Kenneth Blaine Massey and Marshal Biddle at the time. Massey has since asked to be removed from the case.

When Judge Buchanan threw out the settlement agreement, she also recessed the case.

When a judge recesses a case, no lawyers, nor Guardian Ad Litems, nor witnesses can discuss the case.

Sandye Hicks, Hayes Stanton
Attorney Hayes Stanton (left behind pole), GAL Sandye Hicks (middle), and Attorney Sarah Whatley talk for 10 minutes at courthouse front entrance directly after Buchanan’s recess ruling.

Yet Hicks, Stanton, and attorney Sarah Whatley were photographed by a local resident who timed their discussion in front of the court house as lasting for more than ten minutes just after Buchanan’s ruling.

Hicks is a person with a colorful traffic history that MyrtleBeachSC News has been investigating since we first covered an article on Gary Henderson‘s family court issues on October 6, 2020.

Henderson texted us recently, “I am shocked that Sandye Hicks is not already in jail.”

We chose not to cover any news related to Hicks in 2020, but sources state on the record that Hicks and Regina Ward are close allies along with others.

Attorney General Alan Wilson has publicly put Horry County Senator Luke Rankin and others serving on the JMSC on notice. All things S.C. Court reform are under tight scrutiny since the Alex Murdaugh murder trial earlier this year. The JMSC selects the judges that are then voted on by the General Assembly. Powerful S.C. elected Democrat State Senator Dick Harpootlian is also demanding judicial reform.

Known Aliases of Hicks from her history 

Hicks is a former resident of NC with these known different names provided to us from public sources: Sandye Johnea Teague, Sandye Teague, and Sandy Teague Hicks.

Records show that Mrs. Hicks has a history of speeding and traffic court incidents that date back longer than a decade. Readers can see a small cursory sample of those citations listed bottom of this article. Several more exist.


Horry County Attorney Hayes Stanton also spoke to the court, claiming he spent up to 3 hours daily working on this one case for his client, Brent Nicol.

Judge Pogue dismissed Hayes’ concern as well, calling the mother a zealous advocate for her children. Pogue asked if Stanton had ever previously had a difficult client.

In a complaint filed by Ginger Dunn to Jenny Abbott Kitchings, Clerk of Court, South Carolina Court of Appeals, Dunn writes concerning Hicks and other associates.

(We covered Ginger Dunn‘s story as well on May 17, 2023.)

Says Dunn, In my own case, Judge Bromell Holmes facilitated basic money laundering and the misappropriation of $840,000 in PPP loans that should not have been removed from our family owned businesses.

The cyber crimes and public docket tampering are pervasive, and well-practiced.

This manner of crime affects every citizen. It compromises justice and safety for everyone.

Together, attorney Regina Ward, retired Judge Lisa Kinon (chair of SC Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission), Judge Bromell Holmes, Judge Buckhannon, Judge Holly Wall, attorney Sandye Hicks, attorney Tonya Watkins, attorney Julaan Derrick, attorney Anita Floyd Lee, attorney Melanie Nicholson, and attorney Kenneth Blaine Massey represent a threat which few can comprehend. 

Says Dunn, “This is not hearsay.  There is concrete, indisputable evidence to support every claim. There are multiple witnesses willing to go on record regarding these crimes.” 

Again, we are not safe here.” concludes Dunn.

Hicks has filed another emergency hearing on the same matter for next Wednesday, September 20th, at 10 a.m. MyrtleBeachSC News will be covering this matter for our readers.

Sandye Hicks Traffic History in NC

Apr 30, 2013 – Charges Filed –  

Charges Filed Date Apr 30, 2013 

Charge Category Criminal/Traffic 

National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Code 


Case Number 64013003015CR 

Court Name New Hanover 

Sandye Johnea Teague 

Jan 19, 2011 

Personal Details 

First Name 


Middle Name 


Last Name 


Drivers License State NC 

Gender Female 

Age 53 


Feb 1970 


Channel Drive S,  Wrightsville Beach, New  Hanover 

Physical Appearance 

Complexion White 

Ethnicity White 

Charges Filed Date 

Jan 19, 2011 

Charge Category Criminal/Traffic 

National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Code 


Case Number 64011700663CR 

Court Name New Hanover 

Jan 19, 2011 – Offense –  

Offense Date Jan 19, 2011 Offense Code 20-7(F) 

Court Name New Hanover 

Charges Filed Date Jan 19, 2011 

Offense Description 

Expired Operators License 

Crime Location 

New Hanover, NC 

National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Code 


Crime Type 


Case Type 

Traffic Misdemeanor 

Charge Category 


Case Number 

01640NEWHANOVER 2011CR700663 

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