Court records show Pastor JP Miller, of Solid Rock Church in Market Common hired District 106 S.C. State Representative Val Guest a total of 6 times over the last 9 plus years.
The pastor did not hire Representative Val Guest as his attorney in his most recent divorce with Mica Miller.
According to her obituary, Mica Miller, 30, originally of Wichita, Kan., died April 27th.
Mica Miller was discovered with a fatal gunshot wound on April 27th in Lumber River State Park, North Carolina. Court records show John Paul Miller was served with divorce papers just 48 hours prior to her death.
Major Damien McLean with the Robeson County Sheriff’s Office told local news, “Our team is still working on the case. At this stage, there is nothing to suggest a threat to the wider community,” he said. A person of interest is being investigated, but no arrests have been made.

Court records show lawyer/legislator, S.C. Representative Val Guest did legal work for John Paul Miller 6 times. Guest was not representing Miller in his divorce case with Mica.

The church’s official website has been scrubbed from the internet. Several past sermons, including those on addiction, can still be found on Youtube.
Local sources continue to inform MyrtleBeachSC News that the church will be closing.