Wednesday Water Cooler John Hardee sign removed after residents call in

David Hucks

Two roads named after John Hardee were renamed this month.

At this past Wednesday’s Water Cooler, Dave Schwartz of the FREEDOM ACTION NETWORK encourages residents to demand John Hardee way sign be removed after Hardee’s conviction.

“DOT records provided to The Nerve this week show that the commission has approved at least nine road- or bridge-naming resolutions since September 2016.

IMG 4268
Hardee sign comes down

That includes separate resolutions in 2018 to name road sections in Spartanburg County and Myrtle Beach after Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright and Brad Dean, the ex-CEO of the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce, respectively.”

Hardee’s name was removed from two S.C. Highways on Friday.

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