With Charleston election, Myrtle Beach becomes most liberal S.C. city

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David Hucks
David Huckshttps://myrtlebeachsc.com
David Hucks is a 12th generation descendant of the area we now call Myrtle Beach, S.C. David attended Coastal Carolina University and like most of his family, has never left the area. David is the lead journalist at MyrtleBeachSC.com

With the election of Republican William Cogswell, the City of Myrtle Beach is now the most liberal S.C. city. It is the only major city in the state that has a progressive, left leaning mayor.

In a surprise Tuesday runoff election, former GOP state rep. William Cogswell beat liberal, incumbent Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg in the race for Charleston, S.C. Mayor. Cogswell is the first Republican Charleston Mayor since 1877.

At an election watch party Tuesday night, Cogswell said, “The people have spoken, and we’re ready for a new direction. A new direction that’s smart and safe and sound. A new direction that places our residents first.

The City of Columbia, S.C. elected Republican Daniel Rickenmann in its general runoff election on November 16, 2021. City voters chose to move to the right in the State’s Capitol.

This leaves Transgender Activist Mayor Brenda Bethune in Myrtle Beach as the state’s only progressive mayor of a major city.

The City of Myrtle Beach surpassed the cities of Charleston and Columbia this past week as the state’s number one LGBTQIA+ city in the state.

With over $100 million in downtown taxpayer funded land purchases, the city runs a progressive, China-like, mixed-hybrid, command economy when it comes to private enterprise. The city prefers a private-public investments model for businesses looking to locate inside the city limits. This way, city government is able to cash in on any profits, while writing off any losses to resident taxpayers.

Key Characteristics of a Command Economy

A command economy is a type of economic system in which the government or a central authority [city] has control over most all aspects of production, distribution, and resource allocation. This centralized decision-making power sets it apart from market economies where supply and demand determine prices and allocation.

One key characteristic of a command economy is that the government owns, dictates to, or controls most businesses, industries and resources. This means that private individuals or businesses have limited ownership rights, if any at all. The government dictates what goods will be produced, how they will be produced, and who will receive them.

Another characteristic is the absence of open private sector competition. In command economies, there is typically only one preferred producer for each type of good or service. This lack of competition can lead to inefficiencies as there is no incentive to innovate or improve products since there are no alternatives available for consumers.

Additionally, command economies often prioritize collective goals over individual desires. The government decides what goods are essential for society’s needs rather than allowing individuals to choose based on their preferences. This can result in limited consumer choices and potentially lower quality products compared to market-driven economies.

Furthermore, command economies tend to have strict price controls set by the government. Prices are often fixed below market rates to make goods more affordable for the population but can lead to shortages due to producers being unable to cover costs adequately.

While a command economy may provide stability in some areas such as employment levels or income distribution, it also restricts individual freedoms and innovation potential due to heavy governmental intervention in economic activities


Advantages and Disadvantages of a Command Economy

Command economies have their fair share of advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, the central authority has full control over resource allocation (private business enterprise), which allows for efficient planning and implementation of economic policies. This can result in rapid industrialization and development, as seen in countries like China.

Additionally, command economies can prioritize certain sectors or industries that are deemed important by the government. This strategic focus can lead to technological advancements and increased productivity in those areas.

However, there are drawbacks to this system as well. One major disadvantage is the lack of individual freedom when it comes to economic decision-making. The government dictates what goods will be produced, how they will be distributed, and at what prices they will be sold. This limits consumer choice and stifles innovation.

Another issue with command economies is the potential for corruption within the governing body. Without proper checks and balances, power can easily be abused for personal gain rather than serving the collective interest.

Furthermore, command economies may struggle to efficiently allocate resources due to their top-down approach. Central planners may not always have accurate information about supply and demand dynamics or market trends, leading to inefficiencies such as surpluses or shortages.

It’s important to note that these advantages and disadvantages are not exclusive to command economies alone; other economic systems also have their own strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these pros and cons helps us evaluate different approaches when considering economic models for societal progress.

Historical Examples of Countries with Command Economies

Throughout history, several countries have adopted command economies as a means to control and direct their economic activities. One notable example is the former Soviet Union, which operated under a command economy from the 1920s until its collapse in 1991. During this time, the government owned and controlled all major industries and resources, determining production levels and setting prices.

Another prominent example is China. Under Mao Zedong’s leadership, China implemented a command economy known as “Maoism” from the late 1940s through the early 1970s. The agricultural sector was collectivized, while heavy industry was prioritized for development. However, after Mao’s death in 1976, China gradually shifted towards a mixed economy by introducing market-oriented reforms.

Cuba is another country that has maintained a command economy for decades. Following the Cuban Revolution in 1959, Fidel Castro established state control over all sectors of the economy. Central planning determined resource allocation and production goals across industries.

These historical examples highlight some common characteristics of command economies: centralized decision-making by authorities who determine what goods are produced and how resources are allocated.

While these countries experienced varying degrees of success with their command economies – ranging from rapid industrialization to stagnation – they also faced numerous challenges such as inefficiencies due to lack of competition or limited consumer choice.

Despite these challenges, it is important to recognize that no two command economies are exactly alike – each nation had unique political and social contexts that shaped their approach to central planning.

Differences between Command and Market Economies

One of the key distinctions between a command economy and a market economy lies in how resources are allocated and decisions are made. In a command economy, the government has complete control over economic activities. It determines what goods and services will be produced, how they will be produced, and who will receive them.

On the other hand, in a market economy, these decisions are primarily left to individuals and businesses operating within the framework of supply and demand. Prices play a central role in guiding production and consumption choices. The forces of competition drive efficiency as producers strive to meet consumer demands at competitive prices.

In terms of ownership, command economies often have private-public partnerships with some state ownership or control over major industries such as energy, transportation, marketing (Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce) and decisions on who can and who can not operate legally. Private ownership is limited.

Market economies prioritize private ownership with minimal government intervention.

Another crucial difference lies in motivation. In market economies, individuals are driven by self-interest to maximize their own profit or well-being through voluntary exchange. In contrast, command economies focus on collective goals determined by the government’s directives.

These differences can result in varying outcomes for efficiency, innovation, income distribution, consumer choice, and overall economic performance.

The advantages of one system may be seen as disadvantages under another system depending on individual perspectives.

In recent years, there has been a shift towards more market-oriented economies across the globe. However, command economies are becoming increasingly popular in progressive cities like Myrtle Beach, S.C.

One trend that can be observed is the adoption of elements from both command and market economies. China, for example, has implemented reforms to introduce limited market mechanisms within its overall command economy structure. This hybrid approach has allowed China to experience rapid economic growth while maintaining some level of centralized control.

Another trend seen in the use of command economies is their application in specific industries or sectors. Some countries may choose to have a command economy in particular areas such as defense or energy production. This allows for greater government control over critical resources and ensures government protection in leadership for the most liberal S.C. city.

Additionally, there has been an increasing focus on sustainability and environmental concerns within command economies. Governments recognize the need to address climate change and promote green initiatives. By implementing regulations and policies through a command economy framework, they can direct resources towards sustainable practices as does this most liberal S.C. city.

Furthermore, technological advancements have impacted how command economies operate. The digital age has enabled governments to streamline processes and improve efficiency in resource allocation. Countries and cities (this most liberal S.C. city) with strong central planning systems can utilize technology to gather data quickly and make informed decisions regarding resource distribution.

While market-oriented systems dominate global economics today, cities like Myrtle Beach prefer the command economy model.

The use of a command economy makes Myrtle Beach the most liberal S.C. city

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